#!/usr/bin/make -f # See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable) # output every command that modifies files on the build system. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export PYBUILD_NAME=icoextract # Install scripts to debian/tmp so that we can split them into multiple binary packages export PYBUILD_INSTALL_ARGS=--install-scripts=../tmp # Build prerequisite files before running tests export PYBUILD_BEFORE_TEST=cp -r {dir}/tests {build_dir} && cd {build_dir}/tests && make include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_gencontrol: dh_gencontrol dh_gencontrol -pexe-thumbnailer -- -v1~icoextract-$(DEB_VERSION)