Source: jackd2 Section: sound Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers Uploaders: Adrian Knoth , Reinhard Tartler Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-exec, dh-sequence-python3, libasound2-dev [linux-any], libdb-dev, libdbus-1-dev, libexpat1-dev, libffado-dev [amd64 i386 powerpc], libopus-dev, libsamplerate-dev, libsystemd-dev [linux-any], po-debconf, python3:any Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Rules-Requires-Root: no Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: jackd2 Architecture: any Replaces: jack-daemon Provides: jack-daemon Conflicts: jack-daemon Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, libjack-jackd2-0 (= ${binary:Version}), python3-dbus, ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: jack-example-tools, jackd2-firewire [amd64 i386 powerpc], libpam-modules, qjackctl Suggests: jack-tools, meterbridge Description: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . This package contains the daemon jackd. Package: libjack-jackd2-0 Architecture: any Section: libs Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Conflicts: libjack-0.116, libjack-0.125, libjack0 Suggests: jackd2 (= ${binary:Version}) Provides: libjack-0.116, libjack-0.125 Replaces: libjack-0.116, libjack-0.125 Multi-Arch: same Description: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . This package contains the shared libraries. Package: jackd2-firewire Architecture: amd64 i386 powerpc Provides: jackd-firewire Replaces: jackd-firewire Conflicts: jackd-firewire Depends: jackd2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO backend) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . This package contains the IEEE1394 (FireWire) backend FFADO. Package: libjack-jackd2-dev Architecture: any Section: libdevel Multi-Arch: same Depends: libjack-jackd2-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Breaks: libjack0.100.0-dev (<< 0.102.20-2) Conflicts: libjack-dev Provides: libjack-dev, libjack-dev-session, libjack0.100.0-dev Description: JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . This package contains files needed for the development of JACK applications and an API reference.