#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 # otherwise build fails in pbuilder include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk # Referencing the Maven coordinates of the dependencies. NAGA_COORDINATES = \ncom.google.code\nnaga\ndebian\n CLI_COORDINATES = \ncommons-cli\ncommons-cli\ndebian\n INCHI_COORDINATES = \nnet.sf.jni-inchi\njni-inchi\ndebian\n %: dh $@ --with javahelper,maven_repo_helper override_dh_auto_clean: mkdir --parents build quilt push -a || true dh_auto_clean quilt pop -a || true set -e; for i in Jmol/tools; do \ test ! -e $$i || find $$i -type l -delete; \ done rm -rf build rm -f src/org/jmol/translation/translations.tgz if [ -e tools/pom.xml ]; then rm tools/pom.xml; fi override_dh_install: dh_install # Using imagemagick to resize the icon mkdir -p debian/jmol/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/ convert src/org/openscience/jmol/app/images/icon.png -resize 96x96\! debian/jmol/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/jmol-icon.png override_dh_installdocs: # Run javadoc target manually # don't know why, but in June 2022, the package was built *without* # applying debian patches, which results in FTBFS by the debian build # farm. So, I must enforce the application and removal of patches. quilt push -a || true ant -Duser.name debian javadoc quilt pop -a || true mkdir -p debian/libjmol-java-doc/usr/share/doc/libjmol-java/api cp -a build/javadoc/* debian/libjmol-java-doc/usr/share/doc/libjmol-java/api dh_installdocs override_dh_auto_build-indep: # don't know why, but in June 2022, the package was built *without* # applying debian patches, which results in FTBFS by the debian build # farm. So, I must enforce the application and removal of patches. quilt push -a || true dh_auto_build -i quilt pop -a || true execute_before_mh_install: # Putting the Maven coordinates of the dependencies in the upstream template # pom file. Also putting the dfsg-stripped upstream version number in the pom. sed -e 's,\(\),\1\n$(NAGA_COORDINATES)\n$(CLI_COORDINATES)\n$(INCHI_COORDINATES),' \ -e 's/\(@version@\)/\1$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)/; s/@version@\(.*\)+dfsg[0-9]*/\1/' \ tools/pom.xml.template > tools/pom.xml