Source: jupyterlab Section: javascript Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Yadd , Roland Mas Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) , dh-nodejs (>= 0.15.22~) , dh-python (>= 2.20160609~) , node-ajv (>= 8) , node-babel7 , node-codemirror-autocomplete , node-codemirror-commands , node-codemirror-lang-cpp , node-codemirror-lang-css , node-codemirror-lang-html , node-codemirror-lang-java , node-codemirror-lang-javascript , node-codemirror-lang-json , node-codemirror-lang-markdown , node-codemirror-lang-php , node-codemirror-lang-python , node-codemirror-lang-rust , node-codemirror-lang-sql , node-codemirror-lang-wast , node-codemirror-lang-xml , node-codemirror-language (>= 6.10.2~) , node-codemirror-legacy-modes , node-codemirror-lint , node-codemirror-search , node-codemirror-state , node-codemirror-view (>= 6.33.0~) , node-commander , node-css-loader , node-d3-delaunay , node-d3-geo-projection , node-deepmerge , node-dependency-graph , node-fortawesome-fontawesome-free , node-fs-extra , node-find-root , node-geojson , node-glob , node-html-loader , node-html-webpack-plugin , node-inquirer , node-json-schema , node-json5 , node-lezer-common , node-lezer-generator , node-lezer-highlight , node-lezer-markdown , node-license-webpack-plugin , node-lodash , node-lodash-packages , node-lumino (>= 2023.4.27) , node-marked , node-mathjax-full , node-micromatch , node-mini-css-extract-plugin , node-minimatch (>= 9) , node-minimist , node-package-json , node-path-browserify , node-playwright , node-process , node-react , node-react-dom , node-react-highlight-words , node-react-json-tree , node-react-paginate , node-react-toastify , node-regexp-match-indices , node-rjsf-core , node-rjsf-utils , node-rjsf-validator-ajv8 , node-sanitize-html , node-schema-utils (>= 4) , node-semver , node-simulate-event , node-sort-package-json , node-source-list-map , node-source-map , node-source-map-loader , node-stdlib-stats , node-style-loader , node-style-mod , node-supports-color , node-tapable , node-types-estree , node-types-jest , node-typescript , node-typestyle (>= 2.4.0+ds+~3.0.10~) , node-uri-js , node-url-parse , node-vega , node-vega-embed , node-vega-lite , node-vscode-debugprotocol , node-vscode-jsonrpc , node-vscode-languageserver-protocol , node-vscode-ws-jsonrpc , node-webpack-env , node-webpack-merge , node-webpack-sources , node-whatwg-fetch , node-xterm (>= 5) , node-xtend , node-y-codemirror , node-y-protocols , node-yjs , python3-all , python3-async-lru , python3-hatch-jupyter-builder , python3-jupyter-server , python3-jupyterlab-server , python3-notebook-shim , python3-setuptools , webpack , yarnpkg Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: jupyterlab Architecture: all Provides: ${nodejs:Provides} , jupyter-lab (=${binary:Version}) , jupyter-labextension (=${binary:Version}) , jupyter-labhub (=${binary:Version}) , node-jupyterlab (=${binary:Version}) , python3-jupyterlab (=${binary:Version}) Breaks: node-jupyterlab (<< 4.0.11+ds1+~cs11.25.27~) , python3-jupyterlab (<< 4.0.11+ds1+~cs11.25.27~) Replaces: node-jupyterlab (<< 4.0.11+ds1+~cs11.25.27~) , python3-jupyterlab (<< 4.0.11+ds1+~cs11.25.27~) Depends: ${misc:Depends} , ${python3:Depends} , jest , node-ajv (>= 8) , node-babel7 , node-call-bind , node-codemirror-autocomplete , node-codemirror-commands , node-codemirror-lang-cpp , node-codemirror-lang-css , node-codemirror-lang-html , node-codemirror-lang-java , node-codemirror-lang-javascript , node-codemirror-lang-json , node-codemirror-lang-markdown , node-codemirror-lang-php , node-codemirror-lang-python , node-codemirror-lang-rust , node-codemirror-lang-sql , node-codemirror-lang-wast , node-codemirror-lang-xml , node-codemirror-language , node-codemirror-legacy-modes , node-codemirror-search , node-codemirror-state , node-codemirror-view , node-commander , node-css-loader , node-deepmerge , node-fortawesome-fontawesome-free , node-fetch , node-fs-extra , node-get-intrinsic , node-glob , node-json-schema , node-json5 , node-lezer-common , node-lezer-generator , node-lezer-highlight , node-lezer-markdown , node-license-webpack-plugin , node-lodash-packages , node-long , node-lumino , node-marked , node-mathjax-full , node-mini-css-extract-plugin , node-minimist , node-path-browserify , node-playwright-test , node-process , node-react , node-react-dom , node-react-highlight-words , node-react-json-tree , node-react-paginate , node-react-toastify , node-regexp-match-indices , node-rjsf-core , node-rjsf-utils , node-rjsf-validator-ajv8 , node-sanitize-html , node-semver , node-simulate-event , node-source-map-loader , node-stdlib-stats , node-style-loader , node-style-mod , node-supports-color , node-terser-webpack-plugin , node-ts-jest , node-typestyle , node-url-parse , node-vega , node-vega-embed , node-vega-lite , node-vega-statistics , node-vscode-debugprotocol , node-vscode-jsonrpc , node-vscode-languageserver-protocol , node-webpack-merge , node-worker-loader , node-ws , node-xterm (>= 5) , node-xterm-addon-canvas , node-xterm-addon-fit , node-xterm-addon-web-links , node-xterm-addon-webgl , node-yjs , node-y-protocols , python3-jupyter-events , python3-rpds-py , webpack , yarnpkg Description: Node.js modules for JupyterLab JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter offering all the familiar building blocks of the classic Jupyter Notebook (notebook, terminal, text editor, file browser, rich outputs, etc.) in a flexible and powerful user interface. . This package provides Node.js modules for JupyterLab.