#!/usr/bin/make -f # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS = 1 include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk build: build-arch build-indep build-arch: build-arch-stamp build-arch-stamp: dh_testdir # Add here commands to compile the package. rm -f SWIG/KikiPy_wrap.cpp #force regeneration of SWIG bindings make -C kodilib/linux make -C linux \ PYTHON_INCLUDES="$(shell python-config --includes)" \ PYTHONLIBS="$(shell python-config --libs)" rm -f py/kiki.py touch $@ build-indep: build-indep-stamp build-indep-stamp: dh_testdir oggenc --serial 0 sound/*.wav touch $@ clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot rm -f build-stamp patch-stamp # Add here commands to clean up after the build process. make -C linux clean make -C kodilib/linux clean rm -f py/kiki.py SWIG/kiki.py SWIG/KikiPy_wrap.cpp rm -f sound/*.ogg dh_clean install: install-indep install-arch install-indep: build dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_prep -i dh_installdirs -i dh_install -i install-arch: build dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_prep -a dh_installdirs -a install linux/kiki debian/kiki-the-nano-bot/usr/games/kiki-the-nano-bot dh_install -a binary: binary-indep binary-arch binary-indep: build install dh_testdir -i dh_testroot -i dh_installchangelogs -i dh_installdocs -i dh_compress -i dh_fixperms -i dh_installdeb -i dh_gencontrol -i dh_md5sums -i dh_builddeb -i binary-arch: build install dh_testdir -a dh_testroot -a dh_installchangelogs -a dh_installdocs -a dh_installmenu -a dh_installman -a debian/kiki-the-nano-bot.6 # python stuff meeded? dh_strip -a dh_compress -a dh_fixperms -a dh_installdeb -a dh_shlibdeps -a dh_gencontrol -a dh_md5sums -a dh_builddeb -a get-orig-source: VERSION=1.0.2 get-orig-source: dh_testdir dh_testroot wget http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/kiki/kiki-$(VERSION)-src.tgz tar xfz kiki-$(VERSION)-src.tgz rm -f kiki/*.dll rm -rf kiki/py_crippled find kiki -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -x rm -f ../kiki-the-nano-bot-$(VERSION)+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz tar cfz ../kiki-the-nano-bot-$(VERSION)+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz kiki/* rm -rf kiki kiki-$(VERSION)-src.tgz .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install patch get-orig-source