#!/usr/bin/make -f %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_build: uglifyjs -o knowl.min.js knowl.js cleancss -o knowlstyle.min.css knowlstyle.css # Upstream doesn't ship a tarball, so we create our own. The version number # comes from the most recent timestamp of the two files. get-date = $(shell date -d @$(shell stat -c %Y $(1)) +%Y%m%d) get-orig-source: tmp/knowl.js tmp/knowlstyle.css $(eval DATE := $(lastword $(sort $(foreach file, $^, \ $(call get-date, $(file)))))) cd tmp && tar -cf knowl.js_0~$(DATE).orig.tar $(subst tmp/,, $^) gzip -n tmp/knowl.js_0~$(DATE).orig.tar mv -v tmp/knowl.js_0~$(DATE).orig.tar.gz .. rm -rf tmp tmp/%: wget -P tmp $(patsubst tmp/%, https://aimath.org/%, $@)