#!/usr/bin/make -f LIBDIR := /usr/share/latex2html TEXPATH := /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/html TMPTOP := $(CURDIR)/debian/latex2html DOCDIR := $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/doc/latex2html # The arguments should match the "L2H" definition in docs/Makefile. # The difference is that we need to call the latex2html that was built # in this run + "-test_mode". CONVERT_CMD := '../latex2html -test_mode -no_use_pdftex -image_type png -no_use_dvipng -no_math -html_version 4.0,math' # see https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/issues/unstable/timestamps_in_ps_generated_by_dvips_issue.html export FORCE_SOURCE_DATE := 1 %: dh $@ --with tex override_dh_auto_configure: ./configure --verbose --prefix=/usr \ --shlibdir=$(LIBDIR) \ --libdir=$(LIBDIR) \ --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \ --with-iconpath=/usr/share/latex2html/icons \ --with-texpath=$(TEXPATH) override_dh_auto_build: cd docs && ln -sf ../texinputs/html*.sty . $(MAKE) mkdir -p docs/manual $(MAKE) -C docs -f Makefile L2H=$(CONVERT_CMD) \ LATEX2HTMLDIR=$(CURDIR) manual.dvi manual.ps manual.pdf manual.html override_dh_clean: dh_clean --exclude=LICENSE.orig execute_after_dh_auto_clean: $(MAKE) -C docs clean rm -rf docs/manual rm -f docs/*.stamp override_dh_auto_install: $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(TMPTOP) INSTALLING_DEBIAN=1 (cd $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR); \ mv l2hconf.pm $(TMPTOP)/etc/latex2html.conf; \ ln -s /etc/latex2html.conf l2hconf.pm ) pod2man pstoimg > $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/man/man1/pstoimg.1 (cd docs/manual/; tar cf - *.html *.png *.css) | \ (cd $(DOCDIR)/html; tar xf -) rm -rf $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR)/docs patch --no-backup-if-mismatch $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html debian/latex2html.patch chmod a+x $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR)/makemap chmod a+x $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR)/makeseg/makeseg # get srcdir from cfgcache.pm and remove the lines containing it from latex2html for reproducibility # the lines only appear in test_mode, which is disabled by the patch above fgrep -v `fgrep srcdir $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR)/cfgcache.pm | sed "s/.*=.*'\(.*\)'.*/\1/"` $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html > $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html.reproducible chmod --reference=$(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html.reproducible mv $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html.reproducible $(TMPTOP)/usr/bin/latex2html # now remove srcdir from cfgcache.pm too sed -i '/srcdir/d' $(TMPTOP)/$(LIBDIR)/cfgcache.pm # move two stray documentation files from data directories to /usr/share/docs/latex2html mv $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/latex2html/IndicTeX-HTML/README.IndicTeX-HTML $(DOCDIR) mv $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/latex2html/foilhtml/readme.v12 $(DOCDIR)/readme.foilhtml.v12 # move example from data directory to /usr/share/docs/latex2html mv $(TMPTOP)/usr/share/latex2html/example $(DOCDIR)