#!/usr/bin/make -f # debian/rules for Lazarus include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS := hardening=+bindnow export DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE := COPYING:LICENSE export LANG:=C # for Salsa CI undefine RELEASE # Documentation type to use chm/html ifeq (${DEBDOCTYPE},) DOCTYPE=html # HTML Converter chmdocs or htmldocs for documentation format (defaults to both) CONVERTER=${DOCTYPE}docs chmdocs else DOCTYPE=${DEBDOCTYPE} CONVERTER=${DOCTYPE}docs endif # Define FPC ifndef FPC FPC=/usr/bin/fpc endif # Set FPCVER FPCVER=$(shell ${FPC} -iV) OS_TARGET=$(subst kfreebsd,freebsd,${DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS}) FPCTARGET=$(CPU_TARGET)-$(OS_TARGET) # Get version information from changelog file via pkg-info.mk DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION:=$(shell echo ${DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM} | sed -e 's/^\([0-9\.]*\).*/\1/') DEB_UPSTREAM_NODOT_VERSION:=$(shell echo ${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} | sed -e 's/\.//g') DEB_BUILD=$(lastword $(subst -, ,${DEB_VERSION})) ifndef PACKAGESUFFIX export PACKAGESUFFIX=-$(shell echo ${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/') endif # Get directories INSTALL_DIR_ARCH=${CURDIR}/debian/tmp INSTALL_DIR_INDEP=${CURDIR}/debian/tmp2 BIN_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR_ARCH}/usr/bin LIB_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR_ARCH}/usr/lib/${DEB_SOURCE}/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} DOC_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR_INDEP}/usr/share/doc/${DEB_SOURCE}/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} DOC_DIR_ARCH=${INSTALL_DIR_ARCH}/usr/share/doc/${DEB_SOURCE}/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} SRC_DIR=${INSTALL_DIR_INDEP}/usr/lib/${DEB_SOURCE}/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} # Get utils ifndef MKDIR MKDIR=mkdir -p endif ifndef CP CP=cp -Rfpl endif ifndef MV MV=mv endif RM:=rm -rf # Get fpcmake from path if none is specified. ifndef FPCMAKE FPCMAKE=fpcmake endif # Set default compilation options BUILDOPTS=USESVN2REVISIONINC=0 OPT='@hardening' INSTALLOPTS=PREFIX=$(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr ifndef LAZBUILD export LAZBUILD=${CURDIR}/lazbuild --lazarusdir=../.. endif #export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh ${@} ################### # Clean # clean: clean-patched clean-make-files $(RM) debian/tmp2 dh_clean # Make sure the debconf translations are always up-to-date debconf-updatepo # Make sure the list with timestamps is up-to-date # if the check fails, update with "fp-fix-timestamps update" and commit [ ! $$(which fp-fix-timestamps) ] || fp-fix-timestamps check clean-patched: make-files @echo "--- Cleaning" dh_testdir [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean ${BUILDOPTS} LCL_PLATFORM=qt5 [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean ${BUILDOPTS} LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2 $(MAKE) -C docs/html clean find -regex '.*\.\(a\|or?\|so\.*\|ppu\|rsj\)' -delete ################### # Debian files # debian-files:debian-files-stamp update-divertions-list @echo "--- Creating/fixing *.install files done!" debian-files-stamp:debian/fixdeb $(wildcard debian/*.in) mv debian/control debian/control.old @echo "--- Creating/fixing *.install files" DEB_SUBST_PACKAGESUFFIX=${PACKAGESUFFIX} \ DEB_SUBST_TARGET=${FPCTARGET} \ DEB_SUBST_DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH=${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} \ $< --gen-control debian/*.in # Ensure we fail build if contol file changed so that we update it in VCS diff -u debian/control.old debian/control ${RM} debian/control.old touch debian-files-stamp make-files: make-files-stamp @echo "--- Regenerate make files using fpcmake done!" make-files-stamp: @echo "--- Regenerate make files using fpcmake" find * -name Makefile.fpc -exec ${FPCMAKE} -Tall '{}' + touch $@ clean-make-files: # Remove auto-generated make files. find * -name Makefile.fpc -execdir sh -c '${RM} $$(basename {} .fpc)' ';' ${RM} make-files-stamp ################### # Arch packages # configure: debian-files clean-make-files make-files configure-stamp @echo "--- Generating configuration done!" configure-stamp: @echo "--- Generating configuration" dh_testdir dh_prep # Add version.inc, but ignore binary NMUs. echo \'$(DEB_VERSION)\' | sed -e 's/+b[0-9]*$$//' > ide/version.inc # The next line adds the revision.inc file which is missing in upstream sources # Normally this is a number that can be taken from inspecting the tags directory here: # http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/tags/?root=lazarus # But let's put something there describes better what the status is. echo const RevisionStr = \'Debian package $(DEB_VERSION)\'\; > ide/revision.inc # For reproducible builds, we need the above two files to have a fixed timestamp # Not added to debian/source/timestamps to keep that auto-updateable for now. touch --no-dereference --date="@$${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ide/version.inc touch --no-dereference --date="@$${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ide/revision.inc # Now that we are done with all changes to files in the packaging, let's # make sure that all the timestamps are reproducible. fp-fix-timestamps touch touch configure-stamp build-arch: debian-files configure build-arch-stamp @echo "--- Building arch done!" build-arch-stamp: @echo "--- Building arch" dh_testdir # QT5 ${MAKE} bigide ${BUILDOPTS} LCL_PLATFORM=qt5 ${MV} $(CURDIR)/lazarus $(CURDIR)/lazarus-qt5 # GTK2 ${MAKE} bigide ${BUILDOPTS} LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2 ${MV} $(CURDIR)/lazarus $(CURDIR)/lazarus-gtk2 touch build-arch-stamp install-arch: build-arch install-arch-stamp # Hack until we figure out why this is not called by dh sequencer debian/rules override_dh_installman-arch @echo "--- Installing arch done!" install-arch-stamp: @echo "--- Installing arch" dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_installdirs # create all necessary directories ${MKDIR} ${BIN_DIR} ${MKDIR} ${LIB_DIR}/tools ${MKDIR} ${LIB_DIR}/components/chmhelp/lhelp # Install the IDE & its accessories ${CP} -t ${LIB_DIR} \ $(CURDIR)/lazarus-gtk2 \ $(CURDIR)/lazarus-qt5 \ $(CURDIR)/lazbuild \ $(CURDIR)/startlazarus \ $(CURDIR)/languages ${CP} -t ${LIB_DIR}/tools \ $(CURDIR)/tools/lazres \ $(CURDIR)/tools/lrstolfm \ $(CURDIR)/tools/svn2revisioninc \ $(CURDIR)/tools/updatepofiles ${CP} -t ${LIB_DIR}/components/chmhelp/lhelp \ $(CURDIR)/components/chmhelp/lhelp/lhelp # Install the library files. Filter out debian and .pc sub folders. find -name debian -prune \ -o -name .pc -prune \ -o -name lib -print \ -o -name units -print \ | xargs ${CP} --parents -t ${LIB_DIR} # Remove READM.txt files from output directories find ${LIB_DIR} '(' -name '*.or' -or -wholename '*/lib/README.txt' ')' -delete # Mark package as manually compilable and install them for package in `find -name '*.lpk' | grep -v ^./debian` ; \ do \ ${MKDIR} `dirname "${LIB_DIR}/$${package}"` ; \ sed -e 's@\(\W*\).*@\1\n&@' "$${package}" > "${LIB_DIR}/$${package}" ; \ done ${CP} -t ${LIB_DIR}/components/codetools \ $(CURDIR)/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg # Install packages global links ${CP} -t ${LIB_DIR}/packager $(CURDIR)/packager/globallinks # copy icons and menu entry for the XDG menu ${MKDIR} $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/applications ${MKDIR} $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps # Install icon and desktop files ${CP} $(CURDIR)/images/icons/lazarus.svg $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/lazarus-${DEB_UPSTREAM_NODOT_VERSION}.svg for sz in 16x16 32x32 48x48 64x64 128x128 256x256 ; do \ ${MKDIR} $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${sz}/apps ; \ ${CP} $(CURDIR)/images/icons/lazarus$${sz}.png $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${sz}/apps/lazarus-${DEB_UPSTREAM_NODOT_VERSION}.png ; \ done sed \ -e 's/Lazarus.*/& (${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION})/' \ -e 's/Exec=startlazarus/&-${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION}/' \ -e 's/Icon=lazarus/&-${DEB_UPSTREAM_NODOT_VERSION}/' \ $(CURDIR)/install/lazarus.desktop > $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/usr/share/applications/lazarus-${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION}.desktop # Install configuration files ${MKDIR} $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/etc/lazarus${PACKAGESUFFIX} sed -e "s#__LAZARUSDIR__#/usr/lib/lazarus/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION}/#" -e 's#__FPCSRCDIR__#/usr/share/fpcsrc/$$(FPCVER)/#' ${CURDIR}/tools/install/linux/environmentoptions.xml > $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/etc/lazarus${PACKAGESUFFIX}/environmentoptions.xml fpcsubst -d LazarusVersion=${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION} -i ${CURDIR}/tools/install/linux/helpoptions.xml -o $(INSTALL_DIR_ARCH)/etc/lazarus${PACKAGESUFFIX}/helpoptions.xml # Install contributer list ${MKDIR} ${DOC_DIR_ARCH}/docs ${CP} -t ${DOC_DIR_ARCH}/docs \ $(CURDIR)/docs/lazdoc.css \ $(CURDIR)/docs/Contributors.txt \ $(CURDIR)/docs/acknowledgements.txt find ${INSTALL_DIR_ARCH} -empty -delete # The following lines are taken from https://wiki.debian.org/dedup.debian.net # Replace duplicate files in lcl-* with symlinks # directories are listed to make sure the "originals" end up in nogui which the # gtk2 package depend on rdfind -outputname /dev/null -makesymlinks true \ ${LIB_DIR}/units/*/nogui \ ${LIB_DIR}/units/*/gtk2 \ ${LIB_DIR}/units/*/qt5 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/nogui \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/gtk2 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/qt5 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/nogui \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/gtk2 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/qt5 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/*/nogui \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/*/gtk2 \ ${LIB_DIR}/components/*/*/*/*/*/qt5 # Fix those symlinks to make them relative symlinks -r -s -c ${LIB_DIR} touch install-arch-stamp override_dh_installman-arch: # Install man pages $(MAKE) -C install/man install $(INSTALLOPTS) for s in ${INSTALL_DIR_ARCH}/usr/share/man/man[1-9] ; do cd $${s} && for f in *.[1-9].gz ; do ${MV} $${f} $${f%%.*}-${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION}."$${f#*.}" ; done ; done || true dh_installman -a ################### # Documentation # build-doc: build-doc-stamp @echo "--- Building Documentation done!" build-doc-stamp: @echo "--- Building Documentation" dh_testdir # Until the whole locale is properly set to include at least UTF-8 in some # more generic way than on a per d/rules file basis, we need to set the # locale here to get reproducible builds (because of sorting in index # pages) and to fix some characters in some documentation files that are # non-ascii. LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 $(MAKE) -C docs/html ${CONVERTER} touch build-doc-stamp install-doc: build-doc install-doc-stamp @echo "--- Installing Documentation done!" install-doc-stamp: @echo "--- Installing Documentation" dh_testdir dh_testroot ${MAKE} -C docs/html ${DOCTYPE}install INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_DIR_INDEP}/usr INSTALL_DOCDIR=${DOC_DIR} cd docs ; ${CP} --parents -t ${DOC_DIR} \ index.html \ images/laztitle.svg find ${DOC_DIR} -empty -delete # The following lines are taken from https://wiki.debian.org/dedup.debian.net # Replace duplicate files with symlinks rdfind -outputname /dev/null -makesymlinks true ${DOC_DIR} # Fix those symlinks to make them relative symlinks -r -s -c ${DOC_DIR} touch install-doc-stamp ################### # Source # install-source: clean-patched install-source-stamp @echo "--- Cleaning the tree and copying the source code done!" install-source-stamp: @echo "--- Cleaning the tree and copying the source code" dh_testdir dh_testroot ${MKDIR} ${SRC_DIR} ${CP} -t ${SRC_DIR} \ $(CURDIR)/Makefile* \ $(CURDIR)/components \ $(CURDIR)/converter \ $(CURDIR)/debugger \ $(CURDIR)/designer \ $(CURDIR)/doceditor \ $(CURDIR)/examples \ $(CURDIR)/ide \ $(CURDIR)/images \ $(CURDIR)/lcl \ $(CURDIR)/packager \ $(CURDIR)/test \ $(CURDIR)/tools # Remove unneeded font files rm ${SRC_DIR}/components/aggpas/examples/Free*.ttf rm ${SRC_DIR}/components/aggpas/lazarus/example/AggPas_LCLDemo?_example/Free*.ttf # Remove lpk file copied with previous command as hard links find debian -name *.lpk -delete # Mark packages as compilable as needed and install them for package in `find -name '*.lpk'` ; \ do \ ${MKDIR} `dirname "${SRC_DIR}/$${package}"` ; \ sed -e 's@\(\W*\).*@\1\n&@' "$${package}" > "${SRC_DIR}/$${package}" ; \ done ${RM} ${SRC_DIR}/packager/globallinks find ${SRC_DIR} -regex '.*\.\(bmp\|jpg\|png\|xpm\)' -delete $(RM) ${SRC_DIR}/components/lazreport/license*.txt $(RM) ${SRC_DIR}/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg find ${SRC_DIR} -empty -delete # Fix some permissions find ${SRC_DIR}/components ${SRC_DIR}/ide -type f -perm /u+x,g+x,o+x \ ! \( -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.pl" \) -exec chmod a-x {} \; find ${SRC_DIR}/components ${SRC_DIR}/ide -type f -perm /u-x,g-x,o-x \ \( -name "*.sh" \) -exec chmod a+x {} \; # Not set above, as no .sh extension -chmod a+x components/aggpas/build* # .sh extension, but is not a script -chmod a-x components/sqldb/design/registersqldb.sh touch install-source-stamp ################### # Generic # build: build-arch build-indep install: install-arch install-indep binary: binary-arch binary-indep ################### # Deb building # configure-indep: configure @echo "--- Configure indep done!" binary-indep: configure-indep install-doc install-source @echo "--- Building: arch-indep packages" dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_installdocs -i -X.in dh_installchangelogs -i dh_install -i --sourcedir=debian/tmp2 -Xgpl-2.0.txt -Xgpl-3.0.txt dh_missing --fail-missing dh_lintian -i dh_compress -i -X.pdf -X.chm -X.xct dh_fixperms dh_installdebconf -i dh_installdeb -i dh_gencontrol -i dh_md5sums -i dh_builddeb -i $(DEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS) binary-arch: install-arch @echo "--- Building: arch packages" dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_link dh_install -a dh_installdocs -a -X.in dh_installchangelogs -a dh_installexamples -a fpc-depends dh_missing --fail-missing dh_strip -a dh_compress -a dh_fixperms dh_lintian -a dh_installdebconf -a dh_installdeb -a dh_shlibdeps -a dh_gencontrol -a dh_md5sums -a dh_builddeb -a $(DEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS) .PHONY: build clean binary binary-arch \ binary-indep debian-files build-arch \ install install-indep install-arch \ configure configure-indep make-files clean-make-files \ build-doc # Generate debian.control file gen-control: debian/control @echo "Generation of $< done!" debian/%:debian/fixdeb debian/changelog debian/%.in DEB_SUBST_PACKAGESUFFIX=${PACKAGESUFFIX} \ DEB_SUBST_TARGET=${FPCTARGET} \ DEB_SUBST_DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH=${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} \ $< --gen-control $@.in update-divertions-list:debian/lazarus-src${PACKAGESUFFIX}.preinst debian/changelog for package in `find -name '*.lpk' | grep -v ^./debian` ; \ do \ pkgName=/usr/lib/${DEB_SOURCE}/${DEB_UPSTREAM_MAIN_VERSION}/$${package#./} ; \ echo " dpkg-divert --package $(> $<.tmp sed -e "/#DPKG_DIVERT_FILES#/r $<.tmp" -e '/#DPKG_DIVERT_FILES#/d' -i $< ${RM} $<.tmp lintian: lintian -I -i ../${DEB_SOURCE}_${DEB_VERSION}.dsc