Source: lhasa Section: utils Priority: optional Maintainer: Jonathan Dowland Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), automake (>= 1:1.11.3), autoconf (>= 2.68), libtool (>= 2.4.2), tzdata Standards-Version: 4.1.4 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: -b debian Package: lhasa Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, liblhasa0 (= ${binary:Version}) Conflicts: lha (<< 1.14i-10.4) Provides: lha, lzh-archiver Description: lzh archive decompressor Lhasa lha is a tool for parsing LHA (.lzh) archives and a free replacement for the Unix LHA tool. . Currently it is only possible to read from (ie. decompress) archives; generating (compressing) LHA archives may be an enhancement for future versions. The aim is to be compatible with as many different variants of the LHA file format as possible, including LArc (.lzs) and PMarc (.pma). . The command line tool aims to be interface-compatible with the non-free Unix LHA tool (command line syntax and output), for backwards compatibility with tools that expect particular output. Package: liblhasa-dev Section: libdevel Multi-Arch: same Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, liblhasa0 (= ${binary:Version}) Description: lzh decompression library - development files Lhasa is a library for parsing LHA (.lzh) archives and a free replacement for the Unix LHA tool. . Currently it is only possible to read from (ie. decompress) archives; generating (compressing) LHA archives may be an enhancement for future versions. The aim is to be compatible with as many different variants of the LHA file format as possible, including LArc (.lzs) and PMarc (.pma). Package: liblhasa0 Section: libs Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Multi-Arch: same Description: lzh archive decompression library Lhasa is a library for parsing LHA (.lzh) archives and a free replacement for the Unix LHA tool. . Currently it is only possible to read from (ie. decompress) archives; generating (compressing) LHA archives may be an enhancement for future versions. The aim is to be compatible with as many different variants of the LHA file format as possible, including LArc (.lzs) and PMarc (.pma).