Source: linuxdoc-tools Maintainer: Debian XML/SGML Group Uploaders: Agustin Martin Domingo Section: text Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dpkg-dev (>=, perl, flex, libfl-dev, gawk | mawk, opensp, texinfo, groff, texlive-binaries, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-fonts-recommended Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: linuxdoc-tools Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, opensp, sgml-data, gawk | mawk Suggests: texinfo, info-browser, groff, texlive-latex-recommended, linuxdoc-tools-text, linuxdoc-tools-latex, linuxdoc-tools-info Breaks: linuxdoc-sgml, sgml-tools, linuxdoc-tools-text (<< 0.9.20), linuxdoc-tools-info (<< 0.9.20), linuxdoc-tools-latex (<< 0.9.20) Provides: linuxdoc-sgml Replaces: linuxdoc-sgml, sgml-tools Description: convert LinuxDoc SGML source into other formats LinuxDoc sgml is a highly configurable text format for writing documentation, something like html only it's simpler and can be converted to various other formats, including html for websites. You write a LinuxDoc document using any text editor such as vim. Then you use linuxdoc-tools to convert it to html, rtf, plain-text (install linuxdoc-tools-text), info (install linuxdoc-tools-info), LaTeX, dvi or postscript (install linuxdoc-tools-latex). The sgmltools-lite package can convert LinuxDoc to DocBook format. . LinuxDoc can automatically create a table of contents. It's easier to write and read than DocBook since it allows one to omit most closing tags while paragraphs are separated by just blank lines. Package: linuxdoc-tools-text Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, linuxdoc-tools, groff Breaks: linuxdoc-tools (<< 0.9.20) Description: Text output facility of LinuxDoc-Tools LinuxDoc-Tools is a SGML converter for the LinuxDoc DTD only. This is a dependency package to provide the required dependencies for text conversion facility of LinuxDoc-Tools. See the description of linuxdoc-tools package for more detail. Package: linuxdoc-tools-latex Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, linuxdoc-tools, texlive-latex-recommended Breaks: linuxdoc-tools (<< 0.9.20) Description: LaTeX/PS/PDF output facility of LinuxDoc-Tools LinuxDoc-Tools is a SGML converter for the LinuxDoc DTD only. This is a dependency package to provide the required dependencies for LaTeX/PS/PDF conversion facility of LinuxDoc-Tools. See the description of linuxdoc-tools package for more detail. Package: linuxdoc-tools-info Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, linuxdoc-tools, texinfo Breaks: linuxdoc-tools (<< 0.9.20) Description: Info output facility of LinuxDoc-Tools LinuxDoc-Tools is a SGML converter for the LinuxDoc DTD only. This is a dependency package to provide the required dependencies for info conversion facility of LinuxDoc-Tools. See the description of linuxdoc-tools package for more detail.