#!/usr/bin/make -f # See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable) # output every command that modifies files on the build system. #DH_VERBOSE = 1 export HOME_LORENE = $(shell pwd) # see EXAMPLES in dpkg-buildflags(1) and read /usr/share/dpkg/* DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS = 1 include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk # see FEATURE AREAS in dpkg-buildflags(1) export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all optimize=-lto # see ENVIRONMENT in dpkg-buildflags(1) # package maintainers to append CFLAGS #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic # package maintainers to append LDFLAGS #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed # managing sonames export liblorene_soname = liblorene-debian.so.1 export liblorene_filename = liblorene-debian.so.1.0.0 export liblorenef77_soname = liblorenef77-debian.so.1 export liblorenef77_filename = liblorenef77-debian.so.1.0.0 export liblorene_export_soname = liblorene_export-debian.so.0 export liblorene_export_filename = liblorene_export-debian.so.0.0.0 # main packaging script based on dh7 syntax %: dh $@ # debmake generated override targets # This is example for Cmake (See http://bugs.debian.org/641051 ) #override_dh_auto_configure: # dh_auto_configure -- \ # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) override_dh_auto_build-indep: local_settings $(MAKE) doc override_dh_auto_test-indep: override_dh_auto_build-arch: local_settings $(MAKE) cpp fortran export test $(MAKE) -f debian/Makefile.sharedlibraries override_dh_auto_test-arch: Test/test_lapack override_dh_auto_install override_dh_auto_install-indep override_dh_auto_install-arch: override_dh_auto_clean: local_settings $(MAKE) -f debian/Makefile.sharedlibraries clean $(MAKE) uninstall local_settings: debian/local_settings cp debian/local_settings ./local_settings #### Get source from cvs. # - To get the very last version: # path/debian/rules get-orig-source # - To get version from a specific date, change CVS_DATE: # path/debian/rules CVS_DATE=2016-08-01 get-orig-source # - For instance, to get last packaged version, from the top directory # of the unpacked Debian source package: # ./debian/rules CVS_DATE=`dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion | sed 's/0.0.0~cvs//' | awk -F- '{print $1}'` get-orig-source # The source code will be retrieved from CVS into the ./Lorene # directory. En error is triggered if such a file or directory already # exists. CVS_DATE = today get-orig-source: ifneq (,$(wildcard Lorene)) $(error "Lorene file or directory exists, please remove it before running get-orig-source") else cvs -z5 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@octane.obspm.fr:/cvsroot export -D$(CVS_DATE) Lorene # Presumably from non-DFSG PGPLOT, not used rm -Rf Lorene/C++/Include_extra endif