Source: lsix Section: utils Priority: optional Maintainer: Blair Noctis Uploaders: Alex Myczko Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: lsix Architecture: all Depends: imagemagick, ${misc:Depends} Description: Show thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics Like "ls", but for images. . Features include: - Detects if your terminal can display SIXEL graphics inline. - Works great over SSH. - Non-bitmap graphics often work fine (.svg, .eps, .pdf, .xcf). - Automatically detects if your terminal, like xterm, can increase the number of color registers to improve the image quality and does so. - Automatically detects terminal's foreground and background colors. - In terminals that support `dtterm WindowOps`, the number of tiles per row will adjust appropriately to the window width. - If there are many images in a directory (>21), lsix will display them one row at a time, no need to wait for the entire montage to be created. - Filenames that are too long will be wrapped before passing into ImageMagick's montage to avoid jumbling on top of one another. - Easily change things like width of each tile in the montage, font family, and point size by editing simple variables at the top of the file. (Tip: try convert -list font to see what fonts you have on your machine.) - Unicode filenames work fine, as long as your font has the glyphs.