Source: lxmms2 Section: sound Priority: optional Maintainer: Benjamin Drung Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), liblircclient-dev, libxmmsclient-dev (>= 0.7DrNo) Standards-Version: 3.9.4 Homepage: Vcs-Git: git:// Vcs-Browser: Package: lxmms2 Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: xmms2 Description: control XMMS2 with a LIRC compatible remote control lxmms2 is a tiny XMMS2 client to control XMMS2 with a LIRC compatible remote control. Following actions are supported: - play (starts playback) - pause (pauses playback) - toggle_play_pause (toggles pause and starts playback if XMMS2 is not playing at all) - toggle_pause (toggles pause) - stop (stops playback) - next (advances to the next track) - prev (goes back to the previous track) - volume_up (increases the volume) - volume_down (decreases the volume)