Source: libapache2-authcookie-perl Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: Xavier Guimard , Ivan Kohler Section: perl Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) Build-Depends-Indep: apache2-dev, libapache2-mod-perl2 (>= 2.0.9~rc1), libclass-load-perl, libhash-multivalue-perl, libhttp-body-perl, liburi-perl, libwww-form-urlencoded-perl, perl Standards-Version: 4.0.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Package: libapache2-authcookie-perl Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, libapache2-mod-perl2 (>= 2.0.9~rc1), libclass-load-perl, libhash-multivalue-perl, libhttp-body-perl, libwww-form-urlencoded-perl Description: Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies This module is for mod_perl version 2. If you are running mod_perl version 1, you should be using Apache::AuthCookie instead. . Apache2::AuthCookie allows you to intercept a user's first unauthenticated access to a protected document. The user will be presented with a custom form where they can enter authentication credentials. The credentials are posted to the server where AuthCookie verifies them and returns a session key. . The session key is returned to the user's browser as a cookie. As a cookie, the browser will pass the session key on every subsequent accesses. AuthCookie will verify the session key and re-authenticate the user.