Source: libattean-perl Section: perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl , libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl , libexporter-tiny-perl , libfile-slurp-perl , libhttp-negotiate-perl , libiri-perl , libjson-perl , liblist-moreutils-perl , libmath-cartesian-product-perl , libmodule-pluggable-perl , libmoo-perl , libmoose-perl , libmoox-log-any-perl , libnamespace-clean-perl , libperlio-layers-perl , libplack-perl , librdf-trine-perl , libregexp-common-perl , librole-tiny-perl , libscalar-list-utils-perl , libset-scalar-perl , libsub-install-perl , libtest-exception-perl , libtest-lwp-useragent-perl , libtest-modern-perl , libtest-requires-perl , libtest-roo-perl , libtext-csv-perl , libtext-table-perl , libtry-tiny-perl , libtype-tiny-perl , liburi-namespacemap-perl , liburi-perl , libuuid-tiny-perl , libwww-perl , libxml-sax-perl , libxml-simple-perl , perl, Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: Jonas Smedegaard , Standards-Version: 4.6.1 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Package: libattean-perl Architecture: all Depends: libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl, libexporter-tiny-perl, libfile-slurp-perl, libhttp-negotiate-perl, libiri-perl, libjson-perl, liblist-moreutils-perl, libmath-cartesian-product-perl, libmodule-pluggable-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoox-log-any-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libperlio-layers-perl, librole-tiny-perl, libscalar-list-utils-perl, libset-scalar-perl, libsub-install-perl, libtext-csv-perl, libtext-table-perl, libtry-tiny-perl, libtype-tiny-perl, liburi-namespacemap-perl, liburi-perl, libuuid-tiny-perl, libwww-perl, libxml-sax-perl, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl, Suggests: libmoose-perl, libtest-modern-perl, libtest-roo-perl, Breaks: libatteanx-serializer-rdfa-perl (<< 0.100-2~), Description: semantic web framework Attean is a Perl framework for working with RDF data and SPARQL queries. It features parsers and serializers for many different RDF formats including RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples and N-Quads, as well as SPARQL formats like SPARQL-XML, SPARQL-JSON, SPARQL-CSV and SPARQL-TSV. . Attean features support for SPARQL 1.1 queries, and a set of APIs and command line tools to parse, transform, query, and serialize RDF data. . SPARQL is an RDF query language, that is, a semantic query language for databases, able to retrieve and manipulate data stored in Resource Description Framework format. . Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . Some modules require additional packages: * Test::Attean::* require the packages libmoose-perl libtest-roo-perl. * Test::Attean::SPARQLSuite instead requires the packages libtest-roo-perl libtest-modern-perl.