#!/usr/bin/make -f JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java %: dh $@ --with javahelper override_dh_auto_configure: # move files from freehep-jaida into place - unfortunately these files do not build # mkdir -p src/hep # cp -a debian/freehep-jaida src/hep/aida dh_auto_configure override_dh_auto_build: #Make this directory on build because GIT won't let you commit an empty #directory mkdir -p lib # Fix broken encodings that were not catched in fix_invalid_encoding.patch export LC_ALL=C; \ for utf16 in `find . -name "*.java" -exec file \{\} \; | grep "ISO-8859 text" | sed 's/: .*//'` ; do \ echo "Fixing ISO-8859 encoding of $$utf16" ; \ sed -i '/^Copyright/{;N;s/Copyright.*1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research/Copyright (c) 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research/;}' $$utf16; \ done ant -Dant.build.javac.source=1.5 -Dant.build.javac.target=1.5 build override_dh_installdocs: dh_installdocs rm -rf debian/libcolt-java-doc/usr/share/doc/libcolt-java/licenses override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -rf build rm -rf lib/*.jar #This will deliberately fail if lib contains anything but jars ! [ -d lib ] || rmdir lib rm -rf src/hep/aida override_jh_installlibs: #In this case leave on the +dfsg version suffix as it affects the methods #available vs. the vanilla upstream lib. jh_installlibs -v --version-strip=X