Source: libdancer2-perl Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: gregor herrmann Section: perl Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Build-Depends-Indep: libanyevent-perl , libapp-cmd-perl , libcapture-tiny-perl , libclone-perl , libconfig-any-perl , libcpan-meta-requirements-perl , libcrypt-urandom-perl , libexporter-tiny-perl , libfile-share-perl , libfile-sharedir-install-perl, libhash-merge-simple-perl , libhash-multivalue-perl , libhttp-cookies-perl , libhttp-date-perl , libhttp-headers-fast-perl (>= 0.21) , libhttp-message-perl , libimport-into-perl , libjson-maybexs-perl , libmath-random-isaac-xs-perl , libmime-types-perl , libmodule-runtime-perl , libmoo-perl (>= 2.003000) , libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl , libplack-middleware-removeredundantbody-perl , libplack-perl , libref-util-perl , librole-tiny-perl (>= 2.000008) , libsafe-isa-perl , libscalar-list-utils-perl , libscope-upper-perl , libsub-quote-perl , libtemplate-perl , libtemplate-tiny-perl , libtest-cpan-meta-perl , libtest-fatal-perl , libtest-memory-cycle-perl , libtest-mocktime-perl , libtype-tiny-perl (>= 1.000006) , libtype-tiny-xs-perl , liburi-perl , liburl-encode-xs-perl , libwww-perl , libyaml-perl , perl Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: libdancer2-perl Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, libapp-cmd-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-any-perl, libexporter-tiny-perl, libfile-share-perl, libhash-merge-simple-perl, libhash-multivalue-perl, libhttp-date-perl, libhttp-headers-fast-perl (>= 0.21), libhttp-message-perl, libimport-into-perl, libjs-jquery, libjson-maybexs-perl, libmime-types-perl, libmodule-runtime-perl, libmoo-perl (>= 2.003000), libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl, libplack-perl, libref-util-perl, librole-tiny-perl (>= 2.000008), libsafe-isa-perl, libscalar-list-utils-perl, libsub-quote-perl, libtemplate-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtype-tiny-perl (>= 1.000006), liburi-perl, libwww-perl, libyaml-perl Recommends: libclass-xsaccessor-perl, libcpanel-json-xs-perl, libcrypt-urandom-perl, libmath-random-isaac-xs-perl, libtype-tiny-xs-perl, liburl-encode-xs-perl Description: lightweight yet powerful web application framework Dancer2 is the new generation lightweight web-framework for Perl. It's a complete rewrite of Dancer based on Moo. It's designed to be powerful and flexible, but also easy to use - getting up and running with your web app is trivial, and an ecosystem of adaptors for common template engines, session storage, logging methods and plugins to make common tasks easy mean you can do what you want to do, your way, easily.