libde265 (1.0.11-0+deb11u1) bullseye-security; urgency=high

  * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.
  * Import package 1.0.11-1 from sid, new upstream version 1.0.11, to fix:
    - CVE-2020-21594 (Closes: #1029396)
    - CVE-2020-21595, CVE-2020-21597, CVE-2020-21599, CVE-2020-21601,
      CVE-2020-21603, CVE-2020-21604, CVE-2020-21605, CVE-2020-21606
      (Closes: #1014999)
    - CVE-2020-21596 (Closes: #1029397)
    - CVE-2020-21598, CVE-2020-21600, CVE-2020-21602 (Closes: #1004963)
    - CVE-2021-35452, CVE-2021-36408, CVE-2021-36409, CVE-2021-36410,
      CVE-2021-36411, CVE-2022-1253 (Closes: #1014977)
    - CVE-2022-43243, CVE-2022-43248, CVE-2022-43253 (Closes: #1025816)
    - CVE-2022-43235, CVE-2022-43236, CVE-2022-43237, CVE-2022-43238,
      CVE-2022-43239, CVE-2022-43240, CVE-2022-43241, CVE-2022-43242,
      CVE-2022-43244, CVE-2022-43250, CVE-2022-43252 (Closes: #1027179)
    - CVE-2022-43245 CVE-2022-43249 (Closes: #1029357)
    - CVE-2022-47655

 -- Tobias Frost <>  Sat, 04 Feb 2023 17:18:48 +0100

libde265 (1.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to debhelper compat level 13 and add debian/not-installed
  * Imported Upstream version 1.0.8
  * Remove patch applied upstream.
  * Bump "Standards-Version" to 4.5.1

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Wed, 16 Dec 2020 16:32:29 +0100

libde265 (1.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Submit.

  [ Joachim Bauch ]
  * Imported Upstream version 1.0.7
  * Update patches for new upstream version.
  * Update symbols for new upstream version.
  * Bump "Standards-Version" to 4.5.0

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:00:59 +0200

libde265 (1.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat

  [ Joachim Bauch ]
  * Imported Upstream version 1.0.4
  * Enable hardening.
  * Specify Build-Depends-Package in symbols.
  * Ignore more internal STL symbols.
  * Bump "Standards-Version" to 4.4.1
  * Update to debhelper compat level 12.

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Repository, Repository-

  [ Sebastian Ramacher ]
  * debian/rules: Remove obsolete dh_strip override

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Fri, 20 Dec 2019 12:17:15 +0100

libde265 (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/copyright: Use https protocol in Format field
  * d/control: Set Vcs-* to

  [ Felipe Sateler ]
  * Change maintainer address to

  [ Joachim Bauch ]
  * Imported Upstream version 1.0.3
  * Update patches for new upstream version.
  * Update symbols for new upstream version.
  * Update standards version and switch to debhelper 10.

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Thu, 19 Apr 2018 11:44:40 +0200

libde265 (1.0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Joachim Bauch ]
  * Added patch by Andreas Cadhalpun to fix compilation with FFmpeg 2.9
    (Closes: #803834)
  * Updated symbols file for new C++11 symbols.

  [ Sebastian Ramacher ]
  * Migrate to automatic dbg packages.
  * debian/control: Remove some unnecessary Build-Depends.

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Mon, 11 Jan 2016 19:12:19 +0100

libde265 (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Imported Upstream version 1.0.2
  * Added new files to copyright information.
  * Only export decoder API and update symbols for new version.

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Thu, 16 Jul 2015 11:07:46 +0200

libde265 (0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated symbols to make all "std::vector" symbols optional.
  * Imported Upstream version 0.9
  * Removed deprecated patch to update symbols visibility. Changes were
    applied upstream.
  * Upstream supports compiling against Qt5, prefer that over Qt4.
  * Added new symbols from new upstream release.

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Tue, 16 Sep 2014 18:47:14 +0200

libde265 (0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release. (Closes: #744190)

 -- Joachim Bauch <>  Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:23:37 +0200