Source: libdebug Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Peter Pentchev Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 13.15.2~), dpkg-build-api (= 1), Standards-Version: 4.7.0 X-DH-Compat: 14 Homepage: Vcs-Git: -b debian/master Vcs-Browser: Package: libdebug0 Architecture: any Section: libs Multi-Arch: same Suggests: libdebug0-dev (>= ${binary:Version}) Description: Memory leak detection system and logging library This library contains routines needed by many of the authors other programs. It includes utilities to aid in debugging of programs. . Some of the features currently supported by this library are memory leak detection, hex dumping, and logging. The logging system is especially useful. It adds syntax highlighting for different log levels in debugging mode. There are different modes for printing to console and files, duplicate line detection and lots of other small things which makes life simpler for the programmer. . This package contains files needed by programs linked against this library. Package: libdebug0-dev Architecture: any Section: libdevel Multi-Arch: same Depends: libdebug0 (= ${binary:Version}) Description: Development files for the debug library This library contains routines needed by many of the authors other programs. It includes utilities to aid in debugging of programs. . Some of the features currently supported by this library are memory leak detection, hex dumping, and logging. The logging system is especially useful. It adds syntax highlighting for different log levels in debugging mode. There are different modes for printing to console and files, duplicate line detection and lots of other small things which makes life simpler for the programmer. . This package contains files needed if you wish to use libdebug in your own programs.