Source: libdist-zilla-plugin-localemsgfmt-perl Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: intrigeri Section: perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11) Build-Depends-Indep: libdist-zilla-perl, liblocale-msgfmt-perl, libmoose-perl, libmoosex-has-sugar-perl, libpath-class-perl, libtest-file-perl, libtest-warn-perl, perl Standards-Version: 4.2.1 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Package: libdist-zilla-plugin-localemsgfmt-perl Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, libdist-zilla-perl, liblocale-msgfmt-perl, libmoose-perl, libmoosex-has-sugar-perl, libpath-class-perl Description: Dist::Zilla plugin to compile PO files with Locale::Msgfmt Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LocaleMsgfmt is a Dist::Zilla plugin that compiles PO files, found in a configurable location, to the binary (.mo) message catalog file format. . The resulting .mo files can then be included in the dist tarball generated by dzil build.