Source: libemail-reply-perl Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: gregor herrmann Section: perl Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Build-Depends-Indep: libemail-abstract-perl, libemail-address-xs-perl, libemail-mime-perl, perl Standards-Version: 4.1.5 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Package: libemail-reply-perl Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, libemail-abstract-perl, libemail-address-xs-perl, libemail-mime-perl Description: module to reply to an email message The Email::Reply module takes the hard out of generating replies to email messages. . The exported reply() function accepts a number of named parameters and returns an email message object of type Email::MIME or Email::Simple, depending on the parameters passed.