#!/usr/bin/make -f BUILDHOME = $(CURDIR)/debian/build %: dh $@ override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -rf $(BUILDHOME) override_dh_auto_test: mkdir -p $(BUILDHOME) # workaround for #752930 # 0) create ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm ourselves before EU::AutoInstall # tries to do it and fails horribly in a loop in the install_help # question # 1) "preseed" exactly this install_help question, otherwise the default # 'local::lib' is chosen and CPAN.pm goes out hunting # 2) "preseed" urllist as well, otherwise CPAN.pm from 5.18 asks for it # and tries to download a mirror list. in 5.20 it contains # www.cpan.org already. HOME=$(BUILDHOME) perl -MCPAN -e '$$CPAN::Config = {"install_help" => q[manual], "urllist" => [q[http://www.cpan.org/]]}; CPAN::Shell->mkmyconfig;' HOME=$(BUILDHOME) dh_auto_test