Source: libh3 Section: database Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers Uploaders: Christoph Berg , Build-Depends: cmake (>= 3.20), debhelper-compat (= 13), Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Rules-Requires-Root: no Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: libh3-dev Architecture: any Depends: libh3-1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, Description: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - header files H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . This package contains the development headers. Package: libh3-1 Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, Description: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - library H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . This package contains the shared library. Package: libh3-bin Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: libh3-1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, Description: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - CLI programs H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . This package contains CLI front-end programs.