Source: liblexical-var-perl Maintainer: Debian Perl Group Uploaders: Salvatore Bonaccorso Section: perl Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), liblexical-sealrequirehints-perl (>= 0.12) , libmodule-build-perl, perl-xs-dev, perl:native Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: liblexical-var-perl Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, liblexical-sealrequirehints-perl (>= 0.12) Description: Perl module for using static variables without namespace pollution Lexical::Var implements lexical scoping of subroutines. Although it can be used directly, it is mainly intended to be infrastructure for modules that manage namespaces. . This module influences the meaning of single-part subroutine names that appear directly in code, such as "&foo" and "foo(123)". Normally, in the absence of any particular declaration, these would refer to the subroutine of that name located in the current package. A Lexical::Sub declaration can change this to refer to any particular subroutine, bypassing the package system entirely. A subroutine name that includes an explicit package part, such as "&main::foo", always refers to the subroutine in the specified package, and is unaffected by this module. A symbolic reference through a string value, such as "&{'foo'}", also looks in the package system, and so is unaffected by this module. . The types of name that can be influenced are scalar ("$foo"), array ("@foo"), hash ("%foo"), subroutine ("&foo"), and glob ("*foo").