Source: libssw Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team Uploaders: Sascha Steinbiss , Michael R. Crusoe Section: science Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12~), debhelper-compat (= 13), default-jdk-headless , javahelper , help2man, zlib1g-dev, libsimde-dev, maven-repo-helper Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: libssw0 Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Section: libs Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, zlib1g Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Description: fast SIMD parallelized implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm SSW is a fast implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm, which uses the Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) instructions to parallelize the algorithm at the instruction level. SSW library provides an API that can be flexibly used by programs written in C, C++ and other languages. The library can do protein and genome alignment directly. Current version of this implementation is ~50 times faster than an ordinary Smith-Waterman. It can return the Smith-Waterman score, alignment location and traceback path (cigar) of the optimal alignment accurately; and return the sub-optimal alignment score and location heuristically. Package: libssw-dev Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Section: libdevel Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libssw0 (= ${binary:Version}) Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Provides: libssw-dev Description: Development headers and static libraries for libssw This package provides development headers and static libraries for libssw, a fast implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm using Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) instructions to parallelize the algorithm at the instruction level. Package: libssw-java Build-Profiles: Architecture: any Section: java Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: ${java:Recommends} Description: Java bindings for libssw This package provides JNI based Java bindings for libssw, a fast implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm using Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) instructions to parallelize the algorithm at the instruction level. Package: ssw-align Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libssw0 (= ${binary:Version}) Description: Smith-Waterman aligner based on libssw This package provides a command-line aligner based on the libssw library, a fast SIMD accelerated implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm. The input files can be in FASTA or FASTQ format. Both target and query files can contain multiple sequences. Each sequence in the query file will be aligned with all sequences in the target file. Output is provided in SAM or BLAST-like text format.