This package was debianized by Keita Maehara on Sat, 7 Mar 1998 01:17:17 +0900. It was downloaded from Upstream Author: JM Project Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999 JM Project All rights reserved. These man pages are distributed under varieties of licenses. Since JM Project doesn't impose any additional restrictions to the translated man pages, you can use them under the same license as the original man pages, which are DFSG free. Although their licenses permit free distribution of the nroff sources contained in this package, commercial distribution may impose other requirements (e.g., acknowledgement of copyright or inclusion of the raw nroff sources with the commercial distribution). If you distribute these man pages commercially, it is your responsibility to figure out your obligations. (For many man pages, these obligations require you to distribute nroff sources with any pre-formatted man pages that you provide.) Each file that contains nroff source for a man page also contains the author(s) name, email address, and copyright notice. See roff comments of each manpages for details.