Source: mda-lv2 Section: sound Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers Uploaders: Alessio Treglia , Jaromír Mikeš Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), libfftw3-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libxt-dev, lv2-dev, python, xsltproc Standards-Version: 3.9.8 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: mda-lv2 Provides: lv2-plugin Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Paul Kellett's MDA plugins ported to LV2 This package provides Paul Kellett's MDA plugins ported to the LV2 specification. . LV2 (LADSPA version 2) is an open standard for plugins and matching host applications, mainly targeted at audio processing and generation. . This package provides the following synths and effects: * Ambience - Reverb effect * Bandisto - Multi-band distortion * BeatBox - Drum replacer * Combo - Amp & speaker simulation * De-ess - High frequency dynamics processor * Degrade - Sample quality reduction * Delay - Simple stereo delay with feedback tone control * Detune - Simple up/down pitch shifting thickener * Dither - Range of dither types including noise shaping * DubDelay - Delay with feedback saturation and time/pitch modulation * Dynamics - Compressor / Limiter / Gate * DX10 - FM Synthesizer * Envelope - Envelope follower / VCA * EPiano - Acoustic piano * Image - Stereo image adjustment and M-S matrix * JX10 - 2-Oscillator analog synthesizer * Leslie - Rotary speaker simulator * Limiter - Opto-electronic style limiter * Looplex - Looping plugin * Loudness - Equal loudness contours for bass EQ and mix correction * Multiband - Multi-band compressor with M-S processing modes * Overdrive - Soft distortion * RePsycho - Drum loop pitch changer * RezFilter - Resonant filter with LFO and envelope follower * RingMod - Ring modulator with sine-wave oscillator * Round Panner - 3D panner * Shepard - Continuously rising/falling tone generator * SpecMeter - VU-meter * Splitter - Frequency / level crossover for setting up dynamic processing * Stereo Simulator - Haas delay and comb filtering * Sub-Bass Synthesizer - Several low frequency enhancement methods * Talkbox - High resolution vocoder * TestTone - Signal generator with pink and white noise, impulses and sweeps * Thru-Zero Flanger - Classic tape-flanging simulation * Tracker - Pitch tracking oscillator, or pitch tracking EQ * Transient - Transient shaper * Vocoder - Switchable 8 or 16 band vocoder * VocInput - Pitch tracking oscillator for generating vocoder carrier input . These plugins make no claim of compatibility, or any other relation, to VST. This code does not require the VST SDK, or any other non-free software, and it has never come into contact with any part of the VST SDK.