#!/usr/bin/make -f # Print all logging info to stdout so it # shows up in build logs. export MESON_PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT=1 export QT_SELECT=qt5 # We're not in 1963 anymore, Toto! export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export PYBUILD_NAME=meson %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) override_dh_auto_test: ./run_tests.py endif override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -f meson-test-run.txt meson-test-run.xml rm -rf __pycache__ rm -rf mesonbuild/__pycache__ rm -rf mesonbuild/*/__pycache__ override_dh_install: # Helper script to autogenerate cross files. dh_install mkdir -p $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/share/meson cp debian/debcrossgen $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/share/meson rm -rf $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/mesonbuild/__pycache__ rm -rf $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/mesonbuild/*/__pycache__ # For some reason Debian helpers install the files in the wrong directory, # i.e. /usr/lib/python3.6 instead of /usr/lib/python3. I don't know why # or how to fix it, since we just call to the default tools with default # parameters. Fix manually. mv $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/lib/python3.* $$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/lib/python3