Source: meta-phosh Section: metapackages Priority: optional Maintainer: DebianOnMobile Maintainers Uploaders: Arnaud Ferraris , Guido Günther , Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Rules-Requires-Root: no Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: phosh-core Architecture: linux-any Depends: dconf-gsettings-backend, evolution-data-server, feedbackd (>= 0.2.0), fonts-cantarell, glib-networking, gnome-backgrounds, gnome-control-center (>= 1:44), gnome-keyring, gnome-online-accounts, gnome-settings-daemon (>= 46), gnome-session-bin, gnome-session-common, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gstreamer1.0-packagekit, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gvfs-backends, gvfs-fuse [linux-any], libglib2.0-bin, libpam-gnome-keyring, network-manager, phoc (>= 0.38.0), phosh (>= 0.38.0), phosh-mobile-tweaks (>= 0.38.0), pipewire-pulse (>= 0.3.73) | pulseaudio, libspa-0.2-bluetooth | pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, sound-theme-freedesktop, squeekboard (>= 1.38.0) | phosh-osk-stub (>= 0.38.0), ${misc:Depends}, Recommends: epiphany-browser, gnome-bluetooth-sendto, gnome-contacts (>= 44), gnome-console (>= 44), libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager [linux-any], phog, phosh-mobile-settings (>= 0.38.0), phosh-tour, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, xdg-desktop-portal-wlr, Suggests: systemd-coredump, Description: GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- essential components These are the core components of the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices. . This aims to be similar to the GNOME desktop environment but for mobile devices. . This metapackage depends on a basic set of programs, including a web browser and a contacts application. Package: phosh-pim Architecture: linux-any Depends: gnome-calendar, gnome-contacts, phosh-core (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, Recommends: endeavour, Description: GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- PIM components These are the PIM related components of the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices. . This aims to be similar to the GNOME desktop environment but for mobile devices. . This metapackage depends on a set of programs for managing personal information such as contacts, tasks and calendars. Package: phosh-phone Architecture: linux-any Depends: chatty (>= 0.8.2), gnome-calls (>= 44), mmsd-tng, modemmanager, phosh-pim (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, Recommends: geoclue-2.0, phosh-antispam (>= 3.3.0), wys, Suggests: firefox-esr-mobile-config, vvmplayer, Description: GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- phone components These are the phone related components of the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices. . This aims to be similar to the GNOME desktop environment but for mobile devices. . This metapackage depends on a set of programs that are needed for phone calls and sms handling. Package: phosh-tablet Architecture: linux-any Depends: phosh-core (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, Description: GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- tablet components These are the tablet related components of the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices. . This aims to be similar to the GNOME desktop environment but for mobile devices. . This metapackage depends on a set of programs that are useful on tablets. Package: phosh-full Architecture: linux-any Depends: avahi-daemon, cups-pk-helper, desktop-base, gnome-clocks (>= 46), gnome-console, gstreamer1.0-libav, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly, libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager [linux-any], lollypop, phosh-core (= ${binary:Version}), phosh-pim (= ${binary:Version}), livi, ${misc:Depends}, Recommends: chatty, gnome-usage, phosh-games, phosh-plugins, phosh-wallpapers, plymouth-theme-phosh, Suggests: phosh-phone | phosh-tablet, Description: GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment, with extra components This is the GNOME/Phosh environment for mobile devices. . This metapackage depends on a bigger set of programs than phosh-core giving a more complete environment. Package: phosh-games Architecture: all Depends: gnome-2048, gnome-chess, ${misc:Depends}, Description: games for the GNOME/Phosh mobile environment These are the games from the GNOME/Phosh environment that should fit the screens of mobile devices. . Games are now split in separate packages; this metapackage brings all of them but they can be installed separately.