Source: multiqc Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team Uploaders: Andreas Tille , Steffen Moeller Section: science Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), python3-all, dh-sequence-python3, python3-setuptools, python3-click, python3-lzstring, python3-jinja2, python3-matplotlib, python3-markdown, python3-numpy, python3-yaml, python3-requests, python3-spectra, python3-coloredlogs , python3-humanfriendly , python3-humanize , python3-importlib-metadata , python3-plotly , python3-pyaml-env , python3-rich , python3-rich-click Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: multiqc Architecture: all Depends: ${python3:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python3-click, python3-lzstring, python3-jinja2, python3-matplotlib, python3-markdown, python3-numpy, python3-yaml, python3-requests, python3-spectra, python3-coloredlogs, python3-humanfriendly, python3-rich, fonts-glyphicons-halflings, libjs-bootstrap, libjs-jquery, libjs-jquery-tablesorter, libjs-jquery-ui Recommends: node-clipboard, libjs-filesaver, pandoc, texlive-xetex Enhances: adapterremoval, afterqc, bamtools, bbmap, bcftools, bcl2fastq, biobambam2, biobloomtools, biscuit, bismark, bowtie, bowtie2, busco, clipandmerge, clusterflow, conpair, cutadapt, damageprofiler, dedup, deeptools, disambiguate, dragen, fastp, fastq-screen, fastqc, featurecounts, fgbio, flash, flexbar, gatk, goleft-indexcov, happy, hicexplorer, hicpro, hicup, hisat2, homer, htseq, interop, ivar, jellyfish, kaiju, kallisto, kat, kraken, leehom, longranger, macs2, malt, methylqa, minionqc, mirtop, mirtrace, mosdepth, mtnucratio, multivcfanalyzer, peddy, phantompeakqualtools, picard-tools, preseq, prokka, pycoqc, qorts, qualimap, quast, rna-seqc, rockhopper, rsem, rseqc, salmon, samblaster, samtools, sargasso, seqyclean, sexdeterrmine, sickle, skewer, slamdunk, snpeff, snpsplit, somalier, sortmerna, stacks, rna-star, supernova, theta2, trimmomatic, varscan2, vcftools, verifybamid Description: output integration for RNA sequencing across tools and samples The sequencing of DNA or RNA with current high-throughput technologies involves an array of tools and these are applied over a range of samples. It is easy to loose oversight. And gathering the data and forwarding them in a readable manner to the individuals who took the samples is a challenge for a tool in itself. Well. Here it is. MultiQC aggregates the output of multiple tools into a single report. . Reports are generated by scanning given directories for recognised log files. These are parsed and a single HTML report is generated summarising the statistics for all logs found. MultiQC reports can describe multiple analysis steps and large numbers of samples within a single plot, and multiple analysis tools making it ideal for routine fast quality control.