#!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE=1 # Attempt to harden the build export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all # Remove remove "-z,now" LDFLAGS because mumble-overlay (libmumble.so) # needs to be able to resolve OpenGL symbols at runtime rather than linking # to a specific libGL implementation export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP = -r,now # NOTE: there seems to be difficulties with build hardening for packages using # CMake; see: https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening#Notes_for_packages_using_CMake MAKEFILE = $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) SOURCE_DIR = $(dir $(MAKEFILE)).. VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(dir $(MAKEFILE))changelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: \(.*\)-.*/\1/p') MUMBLE_DEB_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(dir $(MAKEFILE))changelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: \(.*\).*/\1/p') # qtchooser will try to use qmake from qt4 even if it's not installed export QT_SELECT=qt5 ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) MAKEFLAGS += -j$(NUMJOBS) endif export DH_OPTIONS %: dh $@ --buildsystem=cmake override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ -DBUILD_NUMBER=517 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -Dsymbols=ON \ -Dupdate=OFF \ -Doverlay=ON \ -Doverlay-xcompile=OFF \ -Dbundle-qt-translations=OFF \ -Dsymbols=ON \ -Dtests=OFF \ -Dupdate=OFF \ -Dwarnings-as-errors=OFF override_dh_clean: rm -rfv Ice # logratate and init file have both been removed #rm -fv $(CURDIR)/debian/mumble-server.logrotate $(CURDIR)/mumble-server.init debconf-updatepo dh_clean override_dh_auto_build: # Create Ice HTML files and place in Ice/ directory to be installed with mumble-server.docs slice2html -I/usr/share/ice/slice -I/usr/share/slice src/murmur/MumbleServer.ice --output-dir Ice dh_auto_build # No init file right now so commenting this out for the moment #override_dh_installinit: # init and logrotate files removed #install -m 0755 $(CURDIR)/scripts/murmur.init $(CURDIR)/debian/mumble-server.init #install -m 0755 $(CURDIR)/scripts/murmur.logrotate $(CURDIR)/debian/mumble-server.logrotate # These #install -m 0644 -D $(CURDIR)/scripts/murmur.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/mumble-server/etc/dbus-1/system.d/mumble-server.conf #install -m 0644 -D $(CURDIR)/scripts/murmur.ini.system $(CURDIR)/debian/mumble-server/etc/mumble-server.ini #dh_installinit -- defaults 95