Source: node-babel7
Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <>
Uploaders: Pirate Praveen <>
Section: javascript
#Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
 , dh-sequence-nodejs (>= 0.9.58~)
 , gulp (>= 4)
 , help2man
 , jq
 , node-babel7 (>= 7.9.6) <!pkg.node-babel7.npm>
 , node-browserslist (>= 4.16~)
 , node-chalk (>= 4~)
 , node-cheerio
 , node-clean-css
 , node-commander (>= 4.1.1)
 , node-core-js (>= 3.1.1~)
 , node-css-select
 , node-css-selector-tokenizer
 , node-debbundle-acorn
 , node-debug
 , node-globals
 , node-gulp-babel (>= 8.0~)
 , node-gulp-newer
 , node-gulp-plumber
 , node-gulp-rename
 , node-gulp-util
 , node-he
 , node-htmlparser2
 , node-invariant
 , node-is-windows
 , node-jest-worker
 , node-jsdom
 , node-leven (>= 3.1.0+~cs1.1.1)
 , node-liftoff (>= 3.1.0-4~)
 , node-lodash (>= 4.17.19+dfsg1~)
 , node-make-error
 , node-merge-stream
 , node-multimatch
 , node-output-file-sync
 , node-recast
 , node-regenerator-transform (>= 0.14~)
 , node-rimraf
 , node-rollup-plugin-babel (>= 5.2.0)
 , node-rollup-plugin-commonjs (>= 13.0.0)
 , node-rollup-plugin-inject
 , node-rollup-plugin-json (>= 4.1.0)
 , node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve (>= 9.0.0)
 , node-rollup-plugin-node-polyfills
 , node-rollup-plugin-replace (>= 2.3.3)
 , node-rollup-plugin-terser
 , node-semver (>= 7.0~)
 , node-serialize-javascript
# for embedded debian/build_modules/@rollup/plugin-node-resolve
 , node-deepmerge
# for debian/build_modules/webpack-stream
 , node-supports-color (>= 5.3~)
 , node-through
 , node-through2
 , node-to-fast-properties
 , node-typescript
 , node-vinyl-fs (>= 2.4.4-2~)
 , yarnpkg <pkg.node-babel7.yarnpkg>
 , git <pkg.node-babel7.yarnpkg>
 , rollup (>= 2.0~)
 , uglifyjs
 , webpack
Standards-Version: 4.5.1
Rules-Requires-Root: no

Package: node-babel7
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 , node-babel7-runtime (= ${binary:Version})
 , node-browserslist (>= 4.16~)
 , node-chalk (>= 4~)
 , node-commander (>= 4.1.1)
 , node-convert-source-map
 , node-core-js (>= 3.1.1~)
 , node-debug
 , node-esutils
 , node-find-cache-dir
 , node-fs-readdir-recursive (>= 1.1.0~)
 , node-glob
 , node-globals
 , node-js-tokens
 , node-jsesc
 , node-json5
 , node-lodash (>= 4.17.19+dfsg1~)
 , node-make-dir
 , node-quick-lru
 , node-regenerator-transform (>= 0.14~)
 , node-regexpu-core
 , node-resolve
 , node-semver (>= 7.0~)
 , node-slash
 , node-source-map
 , node-source-map-support
 , node-to-fast-properties
 , node-v8flags
 , nodejs
Breaks: node-babel-core (<< 6.26.0+repack-3~)
Provides: ${babel:Provides}, babeljs (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Babel command line
 Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today.
 ES2015 and beyond: Babel has support for the latest version of JavaScript
 through syntax transformers. These plugins allow you to use new syntax, right
 now without waiting for browser support.

Package: node-babel7-runtime
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 , node-regenerator-runtime
Provides: ${babel:depsProvides}
Breaks: node-babel7 (<< 7.12.12~)
Description: Babel modular runtime helpers
 @babel/runtime is meant to be used as a runtime dependency along with the
 Babel plugin @babel/plugin-transform-runtime.

Package: node-babel7-standalone
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Provides: ${babel:depsProvides}
Breaks: node-babel7 (<< 7.12.12~)
Description: Standalone build of Babel for use in browsers and other non-Node.js environments
 @babel/standalone provides a standalone build of Babel for use in browsers
 and other non-Node.js environments.If you're using Babel in production, you
 should normally not use @babel/standalone. Instead, you should use a build
 system running on Node.js, such as Webpack, Rollup, or Parcel, to transpile
 your JS ahead of time.
 However, there are some valid use cases for @babel/standalone:
  * It provides an easy, convenient way to prototype with Babel. Using
    @babel/standalone, you can get started using Babel with just a simple
    script tag in your HTML.
  * Sites that compile user-provided JavaScript in real-time, like JSFiddle,
    JS Bin, the REPL on the Babel site, JSitor, etc.
  * Apps that embed a JavaScript engine such as V8 directly, and want to use
    Babel for compilation
  * Apps that want to use JavaScript as a scripting language for extending the
    app itself, including all the goodies that ES2015 provides.
  * Other non-Node.js environments (ReactJS.NET, ruby-babel-transpiler,
    php-babel-transpiler, etc).