Source: node-ejs Section: javascript Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Thorsten Alteholz Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) , dh-buildinfo , nodejs Standards-Version: 4.1.1 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: node-ejs Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} , nodejs Description: Embedded JavaScript templates This module provides embedded JavaScript templates, like - Control flow with <% %> - Escaped output with <%= %> (escape function configurable) - Unescaped raw output with <%- %> - Newline-trim mode ('newline slurping') with -%> ending tag - Whitespace-trim mode (slurp all whitespace) for control flow with <%_ _%> - Custom delimiters (e.g., use instead of <% %>) - Includes - Client-side support - Static caching of intermediate JavaScript - Static caching of templates - Complies with the Express view system . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.