Source: node-express Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Yadd , Jonas Smedegaard Section: javascript Priority: optional Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) , dh-sequence-nodejs , mocha , node-accepts , node-after , node-array-flatten , node-basic-auth , node-body-parser , node-content-disposition , node-content-type , node-cookie (>= 0.6) , node-cookie-parser , node-cookie-signature , node-cookiejar , node-cookies , node-debug , node-depd , node-ejs , node-encodeurl (>= 2) , node-escape-html , node-etag (>= 1.8.1) , node-extend , node-finalhandler , node-form-data , node-formidable , node-fresh , node-http-errors , node-keygrip , node-marked , node-merge-descriptors , node-methods , node-morgan , node-on-finished , node-on-headers , node-path-is-absolute , node-parseurl , node-proxy-addr , node-qs , node-range-parser , node-reusify , node-safe-buffer , node-send (>= 1) , node-serve-static (>= 1.14.1) , node-setprototypeof , node-should , node-statuses (>= 2) , node-supertest (>= 3.3.0) , node-type-is , node-uid-safe , node-utils-merge , node-vary , node-vhost Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: node-express Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} , node-accepts , node-array-flatten , node-body-parser , node-content-disposition , node-content-type , node-cookie (>= 0.6) , node-cookie-signature , node-debug , node-depd , node-encodeurl (>= 2) , node-escape-html , node-etag (>= 1.8.1) , node-finalhandler , node-fresh , node-merge-descriptors , node-methods , node-on-finished , node-parseurl , node-proxy-addr , node-qs , node-range-parser , node-safe-buffer , node-send (>= 1) , node-serve-static (>= 1.14.1) , node-setprototypeof , node-statuses (>= 2) , node-type-is , node-utils-merge , node-vary , nodejs:any Suggests: node-express-generator Provides: ${nodejs:Provides} Description: web application framework for node Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications. . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.