#!/usr/bin/make -f # See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable) # output every command that modifies files on the build system. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 GRUNT = grunt --no-color MOCHA = mocha --no-timeout # normalize output with TAP where possible unless terse requested ifeq (,$(filter terse,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) MOCHA += --reporter tap else MOCHA += --reporter dot --no-colors endif %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_clean: tsc --build --clean Xbase-x rm -rf dist lib override_dh_auto_build: tsc --project Xbase-x $(GRUNT) --base=Xloglevel concat uglify # Browser build mkdir -p dist webpack --config debian/webpack.config.js \ --entry ./src/browser-index.js \ --output ./dist/browser-matrix.js \ --mode development webpack --config debian/webpack.config.js \ --entry ./src/browser-index.js \ --output ./dist/browser-matrix.min.js \ --mode production # node module build babeljs-7 -d lib --presets @babel/preset-env --verbose --extensions ".ts,.js" src # quick-and-dirty hook perl -i -pe 's/=\s*import\(/= require\(/' lib/matrix.js tsc --emitDeclarationOnly # TODO: check another-json tests when node-jasmine-node is in Debian # TODO: check loglevel tests when node-grunt-contrib-jasmine is in Debian override_dh_auto_test: # cd Xanother-json && jasmine-node spec/ --verbose --junitreport --forceexit --captureExceptions tape Xbase-x/test/*.js tape Xbs58/test/index.js # $(GRUNT) --base=Xloglevel test cd Xunhomoglyph && $(MOCHA)