#!/usr/bin/make -f # generate documentation unless nodoc requested ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) DOCS = README.html README.txt endif ESLINT = eslint MOCHA = mocha --no-timeout # normalize output with TAP where possible unless terse requested ifeq (,$(filter terse,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ESLINT += --format tap MOCHA += --reporter tap else ESLINT += --format unix MOCHA += --reporter dot --no-colors endif %: dh $@ %.html: %.md pandoc --from gfm-raw_html --to html --standalone --output $@ $< %.txt: %.md pandoc --from gfm-raw_html --to plain --output $@ $< override_dh_clean: dh_clean -- $(DOCS) # TODO: refresh unicode ids and properties when ts-node works override_dh_auto_build: $(DOCS) # ts-node scripts/update-unicode-ids.ts # ts-node scripts/update-unicode-properties.ts tsc --module es2015 rollup --config # TODO: check testsuite when ts-node works # TODO: lint-check code when ESLint plugins are in Debian override_dh_auto_test: # ts-node scripts/update-fixtures.ts # $(MOCHA) "test/*.ts" # $(ESLINT) scripts src test --ext .ts override_dh_installdocs: dh_installdocs --all -- $(DOCS)