Source: node-shiny-server Maintainer: Debian Science Team Uploaders: Andreas Tille , Shayan Doust Section: science Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), cmake, mocha , node-bash , node-express , node-faye-websocket , node-graceful-fs , node-handlebars , node-log4js , node-moment , node-optimist , node-pause , node-q , node-qs , node-send , node-should , node-sinon , node-split , node-stable , node-underscore , node-compression , node-client-sessions , node-nan , node-morgan , node-mime , node-shiny-server-client , node-ip-address , node-http-proxy , node-rewire , node-send (>= 0.18.0+~cs1.19.1-1~) , nodejs, node-nan, node-gyp Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: shiny-server Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser, r-base, r-cran-shiny, mocha, node-bash, node-express, node-faye-websocket, node-graceful-fs, node-handlebars, node-log4js, node-moment, node-optimist, node-pause, node-q, node-qs, node-send (>= 0.18.0+~cs1.19.1-1~), node-should, node-sinon, node-split, node-stable, node-underscore, node-compression, node-client-sessions, node-nan, node-morgan, node-shiny-server-client, node-ip-address, node-http-proxy, nodejs, npm, pandoc, python3, node-sockjs-client, node-sockjs (>= 0.3.24+~0.3.33-6~) Description: put Shiny web apps online Shiny Server lets you put shiny web applications and interactive documents online. Take your Shiny apps and share them with your organization or the world. . Shiny Server lets you go beyond static charts, and lets you manipulate the data. Users can sort, filter, or change assumptions in real-time. Shiny server empower your users to customize your analysis for their specific needs and extract more insight from the data.