#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_build: echo "# Compiling types" cd types && tsc -p src set -e; for p in jsonrpc protocol server; do \ echo "# Compiling $$p"; \ (cd $$p && tsc -p src/common && tsc -p src/node && tsc -p src/browser); \ done echo "# Compiling tools" cd tools && tsc echo "# Compiling textDocument" cd textDocument && tsc -p src override_dh_installdocs: dh_installdocs dh_nodejs_autodocs auto_dispatch # Fix versions of components override_dh_gencontrol: set -e; for p in `pkgjs-utils root_components_list;cat debian/nodejs/main`; do \ VERSION=`pkgjs-pjson $$p version | sed -e 's/-/~/g'`; \ NAME=node-`pkgjs-pjson $$p name`; \ dh_gencontrol -p$$NAME -- -v$$VERSION~$(DEB_VERSION); \ done