#!/usr/bin/make -f # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 ADDONS := $(notdir $(wildcard src/addons/*)) %: dh $@ --with nodejs override_dh_auto_build: # requires node-pty bindings, embedded but build fails rm src/Terminal.integration.ts tsc --skipLibCheck --project . for addon in $(ADDONS); do tsc --skipLibCheck --project src/addons/$$addon; done touch lib/addons/index.js mkdir -p dist cd dist && rollup ../lib/xterm.js -o xterm.js -f umd -n Terminal cd dist && for addon in $(ADDONS); do mkdir -p addons/$$addon && rollup ../lib/addons/$$addon/$$addon.js -o addons/$$addon/$$addon.js -n $$addon; done rm -f dist/addons/index.js cd src && find . -name '*.css' -exec cp -v --parents '{}' ../lib \; cd src && find . -name '*.css' -exec cp -v --parents '{}' ../dist \; override_dh_auto_test: # These tests depend on jsdom which can't (yet) be installed in Debian # They pass when run locally though rm -f lib/Linkifier.test.js lib/utils/CharMeasure.test.js # This component is not built (build fails) rm -f node_modules/node-pty mocha lib/ # Upstream does not have tests for the browserified version, but you can test # that manually by running this: run-demo: test -e build || ln -sf dist build python -m SimpleHTTPServer & x=$$!; \ chromium --temp-profile 'http://localhost:8000/demo/index.html'; kill $$! override_dh_auto_clean: dh_auto_clean rm -rf node_modules lib dist build override_dh_link: # Deduplicate, link via dh_link rm -rf debian/node-xterm/usr/share/nodejs/xterm/lib/addons dh_link get-orig-source: uscan --download-current-version --force-download --no-symlink