Source: node-yarnpkg Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Paolo Greppi , Israel Galadima Section: javascript Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) , dh-sequence-nodejs-no-lerna , dh-nodejs , cmake , node-fs-extra , node-clipanion , node-lodash-packages , node-typanion , node-enquirer , node-micromatch , node-ci-info , node-semver , node-react , node-diff , node-zkochan-cmd-shim , node-ssri , node-tar-stream , node-p-limit , node-camelcase , node-fast-glob , node-globby , node-cli-truncate , node-type-fest , node-cli-boxes , node-indent-string , node-widest-line , node-react-reconciler , node-string-width , node-cli-cursor , node-ansi-escapes , node-signal-exit , node-auto-bind , node-types-is-ci , node-is-upper-case , node-stack-utils , node-code-excerpt , node-ws , node-rollup-plugin-commonjs , node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve , node-lodash , node-is-fullwidth-code-point , node-ansi-styles , node-is-ci , node-slice-ansi , node-wrap-ansi , node-strip-ansi , node-got , node-tar , node-js-yaml , node-arg , ava , ts-node , node-sinon , node-boxen , jest , mocha , rollup , esbuild , node-rollup-pluginutils , node-typescript , emscripten , node-tap , node-pirates , node-chalk , node-rollup-plugin-json , node-rollup-plugin-terser , node-tslib , node-babel7 , node-rollup-plugin-babel , node-magic-string , node-estree-walker , node-acorn , node-rollup-plugin-typescript2 , node-rollup-plugin-alias , node-csstype , node-prop-types , git , rsync Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: yarnpkg Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends} , nodejs:any , git , node-tslib , node-clipanion , node-lodash , node-ci-info , node-enquirer , node-micromatch , node-semver , node-typanion , node-diff , node-react , node-zkochan-cmd-shim , node-ssri , node-tar-stream , node-p-limit , node-chalk , esbuild , node-camelcase , node-fast-glob , node-got , node-strip-ansi , node-tar , node-globby , node-typescript , node-js-yaml , node-ansi-styles , node-is-fullwidth-code-point , node-ansi-escapes , node-auto-bind , node-cli-boxes , node-cli-cursor , node-cli-truncate , node-code-excerpt , node-indent-string , node-is-ci , node-is-lower-case , node-is-upper-case , node-react-reconciler , node-scheduler , node-signal-exit , node-slice-ansi , node-stack-utils , node-string-width , node-type-fest , node-widest-line , node-wrap-ansi , node-ws Provides: ${nodejs:Provides} Description: Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management Yarn is a modern package manager split into various packages. Its novel architecture allows one to do things currently impossible with existing solutions: Yarn supports plugins; adding a plugin is as simple as adding it into your repository. Yarn supports Node by default but isn't limited to it - plugins can add support for other languages. Yarn supports workspaces natively, and its CLI takes advantage of that. Yarn uses a bash-like portable shell to make package scripts portable across of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Yarn is first and foremost a Node API that can be used programmatically (via @yarnpkg/core). Yarn is written in TypeScript and is fully type-checked. . This package provides Yarn Modern (berry). If you are looking for Yarn Classic (1.x), install node-corepack. . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.