Source: npm Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers Uploaders: Jérémy Lal Section: javascript Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), bash-completion, dh-sequence-nodejs (>= 0.14.5~), help2man , node-abbrev , node-agent-base , node-ansistyles , node-aproba , node-archy , node-asap , node-cacache , node-chalk , node-chownr , node-cli-table3 , node-colors , node-columnify , node-debug , node-depd , node-emoji-regex , node-encoding , node-glob , node-got , node-graceful-fs , node-gyp , node-hosted-git-info , node-https-proxy-agent , node-ini , node-ip , node-ip-regex , node-json-parse-better-errors , node-jsonparse , node-lru-cache , node-marked-man, node-minimatch , node-minipass , node-mkdirp , node-ms , node-negotiator , node-nopt , node-normalize-package-data , node-npm-bundled , node-npm-package-arg , node-npmlog , node-once , node-opener , node-promise-retry , node-promzard , node-read , node-read-package-json , node-rimraf , node-semver , node-ssri , node-string-width , node-strip-ansi , node-tar (>= 6.1.11~) , node-text-table , node-validate-npm-package-license , node-validate-npm-package-name , node-which , node-wrappy , node-write-file-atomic , node-yallist Standards-Version: 4.6.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: npm Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ca-certificates, node-abbrev, node-agent-base, node-ansistyles, node-aproba, node-archy, node-asap, node-cacache, node-chalk, node-chownr, node-cli-table3, node-colors, node-columnify, node-debug, node-depd, node-emoji-regex, node-encoding, node-glob, node-got, node-graceful-fs, node-gyp, node-hosted-git-info, node-https-proxy-agent, node-ini, node-ip, node-ip-regex, node-json-parse-better-errors, node-jsonparse, node-lru-cache, node-minimatch, node-minipass, node-mkdirp, node-ms, node-negotiator, node-nopt, node-normalize-package-data, node-npm-bundled, node-npm-package-arg, node-npmlog, node-once, node-promise-retry, node-promzard, node-read, node-read-package-json, node-rimraf, node-semver, node-ssri, node-string-width, node-strip-ansi, node-tar (>= 6.1.11~), node-text-table, node-validate-npm-package-license, node-validate-npm-package-name, node-which, node-wrappy, node-write-file-atomic, node-yallist, nodejs:any (>= 10) | nodejs (>= 10), Recommends: git Suggests: node-opener Provides: ${nodejs:Provides} , arborist (= ${arborist:Version}) , npm-packlist (= ${npmpl:Version}) , pacote (= ${pacote:Version}) , qrcode-terminal (= ${qrt:Version}) Description: package manager for Node.js Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine. . npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently. . It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs. . Install also node-opener to have full npm features enabled.