#!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export PYBUILD_NAME = nuitka # This disables the building with debug Python, not sure why we need to # set PYBUILD_VERSIONS too, but it seemed that way. export PYBUILD_INTERPRETERS = python{version} # Do not use Python2 for Debian 11 or higher, need to find a way for Ubuntu # to cover, Debian 11 inheritance. DEB_VENDOR=$(shell dpkg-vendor --query vendor) ifeq ($(DEB_VENDOR), Debian) BUILD_ONLY_PYTHON3 := $(shell [ `lsb_release -r -s | sed -e s/unstable/11/ -e 's/n\/a/11/' -e s/testing/11/ -e s/buildd-// -e 's/\..*//'` -ge 11 ] && echo true) else ifeq ($(DEB_VENDOR), Ubuntu) BUILD_ONLY_PYTHON3 := $(shell [ `lsb_release -r -s | sed -e 's/\.//' ` -ge 2004 ] && echo true) else BUILD_ONLY_PYTHON3 := false endif export BUILD_ONLY_PYTHON3 ifeq ($(BUILD_ONLY_PYTHON3),true) export PYBUILD_VERSIONS = $(shell py3versions -vr) export BUILD_WITH_ARGUMENT = "python3" export RUN_TEST_OPTIONS = --no-python2.7 --no-python2.6 export RUN_TEST_PYTHON = python3 else export PYBUILD_VERSIONS = $(shell pyversions -vr) $(shell py3versions -vr) export BUILD_WITH_ARGUMENT = "python2,python3" export RUN_TEST_OPTIONS = export RUN_TEST_PYTHON = python2 endif %: set -x dh $@ --with $(BUILD_WITH_ARGUMENT) --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_auto_build: $(RUN_TEST_PYTHON) -c 'from nuitka.utils.Rest import createPDF; createPDF("README.rst"); createPDF("Developer_Manual.rst")' cp Changelog.rst changelog cp Developer_Manual.rst Developer_Manual.txt override_dh_auto_test: # The RUN_TEST_PYTHON is not the one to execute tests, just the for the # test runner. $(RUN_TEST_PYTHON) ./tests/run-tests --skip-reflection-test $(RUN_TEST_OPTIONS)