#!/usr/bin/make -f export DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS = 1 include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk include debian/cross-toolchain.mk # Stack protector needs to be disabled since that entails linking to libssp. # Other hardening flags likewise cause more problems than they solve. export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=-all FW_FILENAME_VER = 1.4.0 %: CROSS_COMPILE="$(toolchain_dir)/bin/xtensa-elf-" \ dh $@ --buildsystem=makefile --sourcedirectory=target_firmware override_dh_auto_build: $(stamp)gcc_xtensa-elf dh_auto_build -- execute_before_dh_install: if [ -f target_firmware/htc_9271.fw ]; \ then mv target_firmware/htc_9271.fw target_firmware/htc_9271-$(FW_FILENAME_VER).fw; \ fi if [ -f target_firmware/htc_7010.fw ]; \ then mv target_firmware/htc_7010.fw target_firmware/htc_7010-$(FW_FILENAME_VER).fw; \ fi