#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Makefile to build the openttd debian package. include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk # Use debhelper default for all targets (but some are overridden below). %: dh $@ --buildsystem=cmake # This prevents linking uselessly to libicudata and silences a warning # in the build process. export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Wl,-as-needed # Enable all hardening options (since openttd offers a network-listening # service that handles untrusted data). export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all # Build release CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo # Explicitly mark dependencies as required or disabled, so an issue with # build dependencies does not silently remove a feature or add a # dependency CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_ZLIB=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_LibLZMA=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_LZO=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_PNG=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_Freetype=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_SDL2=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_Fontconfig=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_ICU=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_Grfcodec=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_Fluidsynth=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_OpenGL=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_Harfbuzz=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_CURL=TRUE # Signal FindCURL.cmake to not look for libcurl-supplied .cmake files, # since these do not (currently) exist. FindCURL uses find_package in # config mode to find these files and is intended to fall back to using # pkg-config if not found, but because we made CURL required (which # applies to the find_package in module mode in OpenTTD's cmakelists.txt # that loads FindCURL.cmake, but also applies to the find_package in # config mode used by FindCURL.cmake), this fallback breaks and finding # CURL is aborted right away. By explicitly skipping this config-mode # search, CURL can be found as expected. CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCURL_NO_CURL_CMAKE=TRUE CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Allegro=TRUE # When crosscompiling, prebuild tools that need to run on the build # machine in a different build directory, and pass that build directory # to the regular build so it can use those brebuilt ones. ifneq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)) TOOLS_DIR=$(CURDIR)/build-native CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS += "-DHOST_BINARY_DIR=$(TOOLS_DIR)" endif # Pass custom options to configure. Since it's not autoconf but a custom # script, some of the option names are slightly different. We also need # to be explicit about the dependencies, in case we're not running in a # clean build root. override_dh_auto_configure: ifneq ($(TOOLS_DIR),) dpkg-architecture -a"$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)" -f -c dh_auto_configure -B"$(TOOLS_DIR)" -- -DOPTION_TOOLS_ONLY=ON endif dh_auto_configure -- $(CMAKE_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS) override_dh_auto_build: ifneq ($(TOOLS_DIR),) dpkg-architecture -a"$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)" -f -c dh_auto_build -B"$(TOOLS_DIR)" endif dh_auto_build execute_after_dh_install-arch: # Prevent installing duplicate license file rm debian/openttd/usr/share/doc/openttd/COPYING.md GRF=media/baseset/openttd.grf GRF_BACKUP=debian/openttd.grf execute_before_dh_auto_build: # Remove the prebuilt grf file, to force a rebuild from source # (but do keep a backup, so the clean rule can restore it as # required by the policy). [ -f "$(GRF_BACKUP)" ] || mv "$(GRF)" "$(GRF_BACKUP)" execute_after_dh_auto_clean: [ ! -f "$(GRF_BACKUP)" ] || mv "$(GRF_BACKUP)" "$(GRF)"