#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. # As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a # dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. # This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=2 # ensure the use of all hardening flags DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS # Avoid lots of warnings while compiling: # # warning "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE" DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-D_DEFAULT_SOURCE export DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND # export necessary for (hardening) flags for perl DEB_CPPFLAGS += `dpkg-buildflags --get CPPFLAGS` DEB_CFLAGS += `dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS` DEB_LDFLAGS = `dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS` export DEB_CPPFLAGS DEB_CFLAGS DEB_LDFLAGS export systemdsystemunitdir = $(shell pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd | sed s,^/,,) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=\ --enable-debian \ --enable-debug \ --disable-profiling \ --enable-owshell \ --enable-owlib \ --enable-ownetlib \ --enable-i2c \ --enable-owhttpd \ --enable-owftpd \ --enable-owserver \ --enable-owexternal \ --enable-ownet \ --enable-owtap \ --disable-owmalloc \ --disable-owtraffic \ --enable-owmon \ --enable-owcapi \ --enable-swig \ --enable-owperl \ --enable-owphp \ --disable-owpython \ --enable-owtcl \ --enable-owfs \ --enable-zero \ --enable-usb \ --enable-parport \ --enable-avahi \ --enable-ftdi include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-w1 else CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --disable-w1 endif %: dh $@ .PHONY: override_dh_autoreconf override_dh_auto_configure override_dh_auto_test override_dh_missing override_dh_autoreconf: test -f README || cp README.md README dh_autoreconf override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- $(CONFIGURE_OPTIONS) override_dh_auto_test: # no tests available override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install # do not install partial manpage with generic names. Instead, include # text directly in manpages and remove them. cd debian/tmp/usr/share/man && \ for manfile in $$(find . -iname "*.[135]") ; do \ for i in $$(sed -n '2,$$ s/^.so //p' $$manfile | tac); do \ printf "%s\n" H /$$(echo "$$i" | sed -e 's,/,\\/,g')/d - ".r ./$$i" ",w" \ | ed -s $$manfile ; \ done ; \ done find debian/tmp/usr/share/man -iname "*.[135n]so" -exec $(RM) {} \; # move manpage to proper section for file in owcapi ownet libowcapi libownet ownetapi ownetlib ; do \ mv debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/$$file.1 debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man3/$$file.3 ;\ done override_dh_missing: dh_missing --fail-missing -X.la -Xperllocal.pod .PHONY: override_dh_makeshlibs override_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs --no-package libow-tcl echo "php:Depends=phpapi-$$(php-config --phpapi)" >> debian/libow-php7.substvars clean: $(RM) README dh clean # remove autoreconf modifications find . -name Makefile.am | while read f ; do \ $(RM) "$$(dirname "$$f")/$$(basename "$$f" .am).in" ; \ done $(RM) INSTALL aclocal.m4 configure $(RM) module/owcapi/src/example++/Makefile \ module/owcapi/src/example/Makefile \ module/ownet/c/src/example/Makefile \ module/ownet/php/examples/ownet_example.php \ module/swig/php/example/load_php_OW.php \ module/swig/perl5/OW/Makefile.linux \ module/swig/perl5/OW/Makefile.osx # if this is a git repository, restore removed files that would have # been ignored by dpkg-source -test -d .git && git checkout -- $$(git status --porcelain | \ sed -e '/^ D /s/^ D //p;d' | grep -v '^debian/') : override_dh_shlibdeps: dh_shlibdeps -a -- --warnings=7