#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- mode: makefile; coding: utf-8 -*- export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all # Pass hardening flags into distutils, explicitly export CFLAGS = $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS) export CPPFLAGS = $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CPPFLAGS) export CXXFLAGS = $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CXXFLAGS) PACKAGE2_NAME = python-pandas PACKAGE3_NAME = python3-pandas PACKAGE2_ROOT_DIR = debian/${PACKAGE2_NAME} PACKAGE3_ROOT_DIR = debian/${PACKAGE3_NAME} PYVERS = $(shell pyversions -vr) PYVER = $(shell pyversions -vd) PY3VERS = $(shell py3versions -vr) PY3VER = $(shell py3versions -vd) UVER := $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/{print $$2;}' | sed -e 's,-[^-]*$$,,g' | sed -e 's,+dfsg,,g') # Python doesn't use ~ for rc UVER_PY := $(shell echo $(UVER) | sed -e 's,[~],,g') UVER_PYSHORT := $(shell echo $(UVER_PY) | sed -e 's,+git.*,,g') MIN_CYTHONVER = 0.23 # Filter out tests with "marker expressions" and "keyword expressions". Ref: pytest(1) ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), amd64 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 x32)) PYTEST_MARKER_ARCH := PYTEST_KEYWORD_ARCH := else PYTEST_MARKER_ARCH := and not intel and not slow PYTEST_KEYWORD_ARCH := endif # Some unittests might need to be excluded for different Python versions PYTEST_MARKER := not single and not network and not disabled $(PYTEST_MARKER_ARCH) EXCLUDE_TESTS := EXCLUDE_TESTS2 := EXCLUDE_TESTS3.2 := EXCLUDE_TESTS3.3 := EXCLUDE_TESTS3.4 := $(EXCLUDE_TESTS3.3) EXCLUDE_TESTS3.5 := $(EXCLUDE_TESTS3.3) EXCLUDE_TESTS3.6 := EXCLUDE_TESTS3.7 := ADDPATCHES := # testing for version became fragile: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3692 # PYTESTVER := $(shell python -c 'import pytest; print(pytest.__version__)') # and there is way too many uses of pytest.param now, so we can't just easily patch for it... THINK! # ADDPATCHES += $(shell dpkg --compare-versions $(PYTESTVER) ge 3.1.0 || echo "0001-TST-pytest-deprecation-warnings-GH17197-17253-reversed.patch" ) # MPLVER := $(shell dpkg -l python-matplotlib | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;}' || echo 0) # $(shell dpkg --compare-versions $(MPLVER) lt 1.0 && echo '|test_hist|test_plot|test_boxplot|test_corr_rank' || echo '') # try to prevent unsunctioned downloads export http_proxy= export https_proxy= export SHELL=/bin/bash # Mega rule %: : # Explicit build system to avoid use of all-in-1 Makefile dh $@ --buildsystem=python_distutils --with python2,python3 clean_generated: find pandas/ -regex '.*\.c\(\|pp\)' | xargs grep -l -e 'Generated by Cython' | xargs -r rm -f _cythonize%: debian/rules clean_generated # force removal of previous copies python$(*:2=) setup.py cython D=debian/cythonized-files$(*:2=) && \ git rm -rf $$D; \ find pandas/ -regex '.*\.c\(\|pp\)' | while read f; do \ grep -q 'Generated by Cython' "$$f" || continue; \ mkdir -p "$$D/$$(dirname $$f)"; \ cp "$$f" "$$D/$$(dirname $$f)"; \ git add -f "$$D/$$f"; \ done; \ echo "$(UVER)" >| $$D/VERSION; git add $$D/VERSION _uncythonize%: echo "$*" | grep -q '^3' && PY=3 || PY= ; \ CYTHONVER=$$(dpkg -l cython$$PY 2>/dev/null | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;}' || echo 0); \ dpkg --compare-versions "$$CYTHONVER" lt "$(MIN_CYTHONVER)" && { \ echo "I: Using pre-Cython-ed files for Python $*"; \ cd debian/cythonized-files$$PY/ ; \ find . -regex '.*\.c\(\|pp\)' | while read f; do cp $$f ../../$$f; done; } || : cythonize: _cythonize2 _cythonize3 override_dh_clean: clean_generated : # Make sure that cythonized sources are up-to-date [ "$(UVER)" = "`cat debian/cythonized-files/VERSION`" ] rm -rf build doc/_build *-stamp # pandas.egg-info pandas/datasets/__config__.py dh_clean version_py: [ -e pandas/__version.py ] || \ echo -e "version = '$(UVER_PY)'\nshort_version = '$(UVER_PYSHORT)'" > pandas/__version.py override_dh_auto_build: version_py debian/patch-stamp # Override default build operation which --force's re-cythonization # on elderly ubuntus # Just build the version.py file : debian/patch-stamp: if echo "${ADDPATCHES}" | sed -e 's,\s,,g' | grep '.' ; then \ echo ${ADDPATCHES} >> debian/patches/series; \ quilt push -a; \ fi touch $@ override_dh_auto_install: ${PYVERS:%=python-install%} ${PY3VERS:%=python-install%} ${PYVERS:%=python-test%} ${PY3VERS:%=python-test%} # Per Python version logic -- install, test, remomove .so (installed into -lib) python-install%: _uncythonize% python$* setup.py install --install-layout=deb --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp python-test%: python-install% ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) echo "backend : Agg" >| $(CURDIR)/build/matplotlibrc : # Run unittests here against installed pandas echo "$*" | grep -q '^3' && PY=3 || PY=$*; \ export PYTHONPATH=`/bin/ls -d $$PWD/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python$$PY/*/`; \ export MPLCONFIGDIR=$(CURDIR)/build HOME=$(CURDIR)/build; \ python$* ci/print_versions.py; \ cd build/; LOCALE_OVERRIDE=C xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1280x1024x24 -noreset" \ python$* -m pytest -s -v -m "$(PYTEST_MARKER)" $(EXCLUDE_TESTS) $(EXCLUDE_TESTS$*) $(EXCLUDE_TESTS_ARCH) $$PYTHONPATH/pandas; else : # Skip unittests due to nocheck endif override_dh_installdocs: : # Build Documentation using installed pandas ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ifneq (,$(findstring -a,$(DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS))) : # not building documentation in -a else cd doc && PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/$(PACKAGE3_ROOT_DIR)-lib/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages:$(CURDIR)/$(PACKAGE3_ROOT_DIR)/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages MPLCONFIGDIR=$(CURDIR)/build HOME=$(CURDIR)/build LC_ALL=C python3 make.py html endif endif : # Use jquery from Debian package, so prune shipped one #TODO -rm doc/_build/html/_static/jquery.js dh_installdocs -A *.md override_dh_install: dh_install find debian -name __pycache__ | xargs rm -rf ## remove .so libraries from main package, and call dh_numpy* ## while removing 2 if not present _dh_python%: [ -e /usr/bin/dh_numpy$(*:2=) ] && dh_numpy$(*:2=) -p$(PACKAGE$*_NAME)-lib || : dh_python$* -find debian/python*-pandas -name "*.so" -delete ## "Instantiate" both rules so dh sees them override_dh_python2: _dh_python2 override_dh_python3: _dh_python3 ## immediately useable documentation and exemplar scripts/data override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.py -X.html -X.pdf -X.css -X.jpg -X.txt -X.js -X.json -X.rtc -Xobjects.inv # This has no effect at all since the tests are run in binary-arch instead of auto_test ... #ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), armhf mips s390x hppa powerpc ppc64 sparc64)) #override_dh_auto_test: # dh_auto_test || true #endif