#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. # As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a # dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. # This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. #export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ FAILBOOTDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/partclone/usr/share/partclone MAN8DIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/partclone/usr/share/man/man8 override_dh_auto_configure: sh ./autogen # disable reiserfs and reiserfs4 dh_auto_configure -- --prefix=/usr --enable-ncursesw \ --enable-xfs \ --enable-extfs \ --disable-reiserfs \ --disable-reiser4 \ --enable-hfsp \ --enable-apfs \ --enable-fat \ --enable-exfat \ --enable-ntfs \ --disable-ufs \ --disable-vmfs \ --disable-jfs \ --enable-btrfs \ --enable-minix \ --enable-f2fs \ --disable-nilfs2 override_dh_clean: # keep the special file fail-mbr/fail-mbr.bin.orig dh_clean # for some reason, dh_clean kills .orig files, # so we restore fail-mbr.bin.orig cp debian/fail-mbr.bin fail-mbr/fail-mbr.bin.orig # remove files generated by autogen and no removed by # dh_clean rm -f depcomp missing compile rm -f Makefile.in rm -f aclocal.m4 rm -f config.h.in rm -f configure rm -f config.log rm -f docs/Makefile.in rm -f fail-mbr/Makefile.in rm -f ltmain.sh rm -rf m4/ rm -f src/Makefile.in rm -f tests/Makefile.in # those files are modified upon build, so debuilding twice fails rm -f docs/partclone.8 docs/partclone.info.8 override_dh_auto_test: echo Skipping tests. override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install install -d $(FAILBOOTDIR) cp fail-mbr/fail-mbr.bin $(FAILBOOTDIR) install -d $(MAN8DIR) cd $(MAN8DIR); \ ln -s partclone.fat.8.gz partclone.vfat.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.fat.8.gz partclone.fat12.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.fat.8.gz partclone.fat16.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.fat.8.gz partclone.fat32.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.hfsp.8.gz partclone.hfs+.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.hfsp.8.gz partclone.hfsplus.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.extfs.8.gz partclone.ext2.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.extfs.8.gz partclone.ext3.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.extfs.8.gz partclone.ext4.8.gz; \ ln -s partclone.extfs.8.gz partclone.ext4dev.8.gz # docs/partclone.dd.8 is a particular case, see bug #850623 rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/partclone/usr/share/man/dd