#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- mode: makefile; coding: utf-8 -*- export DH_VERBOSE=1 export http_proxy= PACKAGE2_NAME = python-patsy PACKAGE3_NAME = python3-patsy PACKAGE2_ROOT_DIR = debian/${PACKAGE2_NAME} PACKAGE3_ROOT_DIR = debian/${PACKAGE3_NAME} PYVERS = $(shell pyversions -vr) PYVER = $(shell pyversions -vd) PY3VERS = $(shell py3versions -vr) PY3VER = $(shell py3versions -vd) UVER := $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/{print $$2;}' | sed -e 's,-[^-]*$$,,g') # Some unittests might need to be excluded for different Python versions EXCLUDE_TESTS2 := EXCLUDE_TESTS3.2 := #--exclude "test_bootstrap_plot" EXCLUDE_TESTS3.3 := #--exclude "test_(bootstrap_plot|quoting|cant_compare_tz_naive_w_aware|more_flexible_frame_multi_function|yahoo)" # MPLVER := $(shell dpkg -l python-matplotlib | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;}' || echo 0) # $(shell dpkg --compare-versions $(MPLVER) lt 1.0 && echo '|test_hist|test_plot|test_boxplot|test_corr_rank' || echo '') IPYTHONVER := $(shell dpkg -l ipython | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;}' || echo 0) IPYTHONPATH=$(shell dpkg --compare-versions $(IPYTHONVER) lt 1.0 && echo ':/usr/share/pyshared/IPython1X/' || echo '') # Mega rule %: : # Explicit build system to avoid use of all-in-1 Makefile dh $@ --buildsystem=python_distutils --with python2,python3 python-build%: python$* setup.py build override_dh_auto_build: $(PY3VERS:%=python-build%) dh_auto_build python-install%: python$* setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp \ --force --install-layout=deb override_dh_auto_install: $(PYVERS:%=python-install%) $(PY3VERS:%=python-install%) \ ${PYVERS:%=python-test%} ${PY3VERS:%=python-test%} : # nothing more to do override_dh_clean: rm -rf build *.egg-info doc/_build dh_clean python-test%: python-install% ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) echo "backend : Agg" >| $(CURDIR)/build/matplotlibrc : # Run unittests here against installed patsy echo "$*" | grep -q '^3' && PY=3 || PY=$*; \ export PYTHONPATH=`/bin/ls -d $$PWD/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python$$PY/*/`; \ export MPLCONFIGDIR=$(CURDIR)/build HOME=$(CURDIR)/build; \ mkdir -p build/tmp; cd build/tmp; \ python$* /usr/bin/nosetests -s -v $(EXCLUDE_TESTS$*) patsy; else : # Skip unittests due to nocheck endif override_dh_installdocs: : # Build Documentation using installed patsy ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ifneq (,$(findstring -a,$(DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS))) : # not building documentation in -a else export PYTHONPATH=`/bin/ls -d $$PWD/$(PACKAGE2_ROOT_DIR)/usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/*`$(IPYTHONPATH); \ export MPLCONFIGDIR=$(CURDIR)/build HOME=$(CURDIR)/build; \ make -C doc html : # Use jquery from Debian package, so prune shipped one -rm doc/_build/html/_static/jquery.js -rm doc/_build/html/_static/underscore.js dh_installdocs endif endif ## immediately useable documentation and exemplar scripts/data override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.py -X.html -X.pdf -X.css -X.jpg -X.txt -X.js -X.json -X.rtc -Xobjects.inv