Source: pd-lyonpotpourri Section: sound Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers Uploaders: IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) , Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-sequence-puredata, pkgconf | pkg-config, Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: pd-lyonpotpourri Architecture: any Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${puredata:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, Recommends: ${puredata:Recommends}, Suggests: ${puredata:Suggests}, Provides: ${puredata:Provides}, Description: potpourri of Pd objects for synthesizing with audio This Pd library is a potpourri of objects for working with audio created by Eric Lyon. Here is a listing of all the included objects: . * adsr~ a simple ADSR envelope that can be click triggered * bashfest~ a click driven buffer player with randomized DSP * buffet~ provides operations on a stored buffer * bvplay~ selective playback from a stored buffer with enveloping and increment control * channel~ access to a precise address in the signal vector * chopper~ munging loop playback from a buffer * clean_selector~ like selector~ but crossfades when switching channels * click2float~ translates a signal click to a float message * clickhold~ sample and hold a click * distortion~ lookup function distortion * dmach~ pattern based sample accurate drum machine prototype * expflam~ converts a click to an exponential flam click pattern * flanjah~ simple flanger * granola~ granular pitch scaling * granulesf~ granular synthesis module reading from a soundfile in a buffer * granule~ granular synthesis module reading from a stored waveform in a buffer * impulse~ converts a bang to a click * kbuffer~ low sampling rate buffer to capture gestures * killdc~ DC block filter * magfreq_analysis~ transforms a time domain signal to a magnitude/frequency spectrum * markov~ implements a first order Markov chain * mask~ a click driven pattern sequencer * oscil~ oscillator with flexible waveform specification * player~ click driven buffer player that can sustain multiple iterations * phasemod~ phase modulated waveform * pulser~ pulse wave generated by additive synthesis * rtrig~ generates random click triggers * samm~ sample accurate multiple metronomes, with click signal articulation * sigseq~ signal level numerical sequencer * stutter~ a basic buffer stuttering player * vdb~ a delay line using an MSP buffer for storage (no vector limit on feedback delaytime) * vdel~ a delay line with built in feedback and oscillator * vdp~ a more efficient pointer version of vd~ * vd~ a simple, self -contained delay unit * waveshape~ a Chebychev function lookup waveshaper