Source: php-raintpl Section: php Priority: optional Maintainer: Teckids Debian Task Force Uploaders: Thorsten Glaser , Dominik George Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~), pkg-php-tools (>= 1.7~) Standards-Version: 4.1.4 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: php-raintpl Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${phpcomposer:Debian-require} Recommends: ${phpcomposer:Debian-recommend} Suggests: ${phpcomposer:Debian-suggest} Replaces: ${phpcomposer:Debian-replace} Breaks: ${phpcomposer:Debian-conflict}, ${phpcomposer:Debian-replace} Provides: ${phpcomposer:Debian-provide} Description: “the easiest” Template Engine for PHP RainTPL is an easy template engine for PHP that enables designers and developers to work better together, it loads HTML template to separate the presentation from the logic. Features: . * Easy for designers, only 10 tags, {$variable}, {#constant#}, {include}, {loop}, {if}, { comment }, {noparse}, {function} * Easy for developers, 5 methods to load and draw templates. * Powerful, modifier and operation with variables * Extensible, load plugins and register new tags * Secure, sandbox with blacklist. . Note that this is the PHP Composer version of RainTPL version 3; if you require the older Rain.TPL (version 2) API, use the Debian package “raintpl” instead.